
Examples below shows a simple XML document generated for a struct that contains two fields. Note that the field types will always be the basic types and not the domain definitions derived from those basic types.

Figure 1. An Example XML Document
                <TYPE SIZE="100">SVR_STRING</TYPE>
                <VALUE>This is the subject.</VALUE>

In the next example, the format of an XML document describing a list of structs is presented. Note that the <STRUCT> elements are the same as previously, but multiple <STRUCT> elements are contained within a <STRUCT_LIST> element.

Figure 2. An Example XML Document with a List
                    <TYPE SIZE="100">SVR_STRING</TYPE>
                    <VALUE>This is the subject.</VALUE>
                    <TYPE SIZE="100">SVR_STRING</TYPE>
                    <VALUE>This is another subject.</VALUE>

If a field of a struct is itself a struct, then instead of a <TYPE> and <VALUE> element, the <FIELD> element will contain a whole <STRUCT> element. Fields can also contain <STRUCT_LIST> elements in the same manner.