
The PAGE element has the following attributes:

Table 1. Attributes of the PAGE Element

Attribute Name







An identifier for the page used when referencing the page from LINK elements. This identifier must be unique within a project. The file name of the document must be the same as the value of this attribute and have the extension .uim.




Indicates that this page is a pop-up that will be opened from a parent page. Pop-up pages do not include the side-bar, header and footer of standard pages. The value can be set to true or false. The attribute must only be used for pages configured according to Pop-up Pages (i.e., search pop-up pages).




The name of the script file containing the JavaScript functions that are specified in the ACTION attribute of any SCRIPT elements on the page. If no SCRIPT_FILE attribute is set on a particular SCRIPT element within a FIELD or ACTION_CONTROL the PAGE script file is used by default. The script file should be added in a component. If another script file has the same name in another component, the version in the highest priority component will be used. Each SCRIPT can specify its own script file if required, or share this common script file.




Set to true to automatically append colons to FIELD and CONTAINER labels within CLUSTER elements. This overrides the value of the APPEND_COLON element in the curam-config.xml file for that individual page (see APPEND_COLON).



"width=600, height=auto-calculated" The size of the page when displayed in a modal dialog is configurable using this parameter. The value of the attribute is a comma separated list of name value pairs. The currently supported options are width and height, both of which take an integer value, which is translated directly to a pixel value. Only a width needs to be specified however as the height will be dynamically calculated. Any other parameters will cause an exception to be thrown.




Used to define specific types of UIM pages. Two types are supported, DETAILS and SPLIT_WINDOW.

SPLIT_WINDOW enables the use of frames within the page. If the attribute is not present or is set to DEFAULT then frames are not used. See Agenda Player for an example of use.

DETAILS defines a UIM page that will be used as a context panel page. For more information see Context Panel UIM.




Set to true to hide conditional links that evaluate to false. Set to false to show a disabled conditional link that evaluate to false. This overrides the value of the HIDE_CONDITIONAL_LINKS element in the curam-config.xml file for that individual page (see APPEND_COLON).