
The node element is used to represent menu items and categories used within the shortcut panel. There are three supported types of node element and the type attribute is used to define this:

The attributes supported by the node element are detailed in node.

Table 1. Attributes of the node Element
Attribute Description
id Mandatory.

The identifier for the node. This must be unique within the .ssp file.

type Mandatory.

The type of node, where three types are supported:

  • group
  • leaf
  • separator
title Mandatory.

The text for the title of the node. The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file.

Note: This is not required where the type is specified as separator.

page-id Optional.

A reference to the UIM page to be displayed when the menu item is selected. This is only applicable for node elements with a type of leaf.

open-as Optional.

Where set, this attribute indicates the UIM page to be displayed when the menu item is selected should be opened as a modal dialog. The only value supported is modal.

This is only applicable for node elements with a type of leaf.

append-ellipsis Optional.

A boolean attribute which indicates if the ellipsis automatically appended to the menu item which opens in a modal dialog should be disabled. The default is true. The attribute is applicable only where the type attribute is leaf and the open-as attribute has been set.

Note: Setting this attribute to true where the open-as attribute has not been set will not add the ellipsis to the menu item.

1 A modal dialog is a UIM page opened in a new window, where the parent window cannot be accessed while it is open. Consult Modal Dialogs for more information.