File Download Menu Item

A menu-item can reference a FILE_DOWNLOAD configuration using the type="FILE_DOWNLOAD" attribute. For example:

          <mc: menu-item id="filedownloadItem" title="some.text.title"
                  type="FILE_DOWNLOAD" page-id="FileDownload"/>

The page-id attribute must match the page-id attribute specified for a FILE_DOWNLOAD element configured in the curam-config.xml file. For more information on the FILE_DOWNLOAD element in curam-config.xml see File Downloads.

When configuring the FILE_DOWNLOAD element in curam-config.xml, only the parameters defined for the tab can be used as values for the PAGE_PARAM attribute of the INPUT element.

File Download Menu Item shows a fragment of the FILE_DOWNLOAD configuration from the curam-config.xml file. In this example, the fileID page parameter must be specified as a page-param element in the tab configuration file (.tab).

Note also that the PAGE_ID attribute value of FileDownload matches the page-id attribute in the example above.

Figure 1. FILE_DOWNLOAD Configuration from curam-config.xml
<FILE_DOWNLOAD CLASS="some.pkg.readFile"
  <FILE_NAME PROPERTY="result$name"/>
  <FILE_DATA PROPERTY="result$contents"/>
  <CONTENT_TYPE PROPERTY="result$contentType"/>