
A tab actions menu is defined by creating an XML file with the extension .mnu in the clientapps directory. The root XML element in the .mnu file is the menu-bar element and the attributes allowed on this element are defined in Definition.

Table 1. Attributes of the menu-bar Element
Attribute Description
id Mandatory.

The unique identifier for the menu, which must match the name of the file. The identifier is used when a menu is included in a tab configuration, using the menu element. See menu for more information.

A menu definition can be reused and referenced by multiple tab configurations. The menu itself comprises of menu items and submenus, which are used to group menu items. The child elements outlined in Definition are used to define the structure of the menu.

Table 2. Supported Child Elements of the menu-bar Element
Element Description
menu-item 0..n.

Defines a single entry in the menu, which links to a UIM page that can be opened in a modal dialog or in the content area of a tab. See menu-item for more information.

submenu 0..n.

Defines a grouping of menu items, which form a sub menu. See submenu for more information.

menu-separator 0..n.

Defines a separator line between entries in the menu. See menu-separator for more information.

loader-registry Optional.

Defines the server interfaces that can be called to dynamically change the state of the menu-item s. See loader-registry for more information.