
A section is defined by creating an XML file with the extension .sec in the clientapps directory. The root XML element in the .sec file is the section element and the attributes allowed on this element are defined in Definition.

Table 1. Attributes of the section Element
Attribute Description
id Mandatory.

The unique identifier for the section, which must match the name of the file. This is used when referenced from an application (.app) configuration file.

title Mandatory.

The text for the title that will be displayed on the section tab. The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file.

hide-tab-container Optional.

When set to true, this indicates that there is only one tab in the section and the tab bar should not be displayed. The default is false.

default-page-id Optional.

A reference to a UIM page that should be opened by default when the section is opened. The UIM page referenced must be directly associated with a tab. For more information on associating pages with tabs, consult Tabs.

This attribute ensures that an anchored default tab is always open when the section is opened. An anchored tab does not contain an option to close it.

Note: The default-page-id attribute must not be used on the "Home" or first section of an application. The user's home page, and its associated tab are opened automatically when a user logs into an application. See Associate an Application with User for more information.

The section element supports the child elements detailed in Definition.

Table 2. Supported Child Elements of the section Element
Element Description
tab 1..n.

A reference to a tab to be included in this section. See tab for more information.

shortcut-panel-ref Optional.

A reference to the section shortcut panel to be included in this section. See shortcut-panel-ref for more information.