Data Manager Configuration

Typically the Data Manager sets up the database from a number of different components:

The selection of which set of data to apply effectively depends on the task the developer wishes to perform.

The Data Manager is configured using the datamanager_config.xml configuration file. The file is located at:


The structure of datamanager_config.xml is shown in Data Manager Configuration.

Figure 1. Data Manager Configuration
  <compositetarget name="target name">
    <subtarget name="subtarget name"/>
  <target name="subtarget name">
    <entry name="relative filename or relative directory"
           type="sql, DMX or xml"
           base="sdejscripts or basedir"/>

The file is organized as follows:

Target Tag
This has a name attribute specifying the name of the target and a set of associated entry tags.
Entry Tag
This has three attributes associated with it.
Name Attribute
This specifies the file or directory associated with this attribute and its offset from the base attribute.
Type Attribute
This specifies whether the file is an SQL script, a .DMX file or an .xml file.
Base Attribute
This specifies the system dependent offset of the file on the local machine. It may be specified as one of basedir (the directory above the Data Manager) or sdescripts (the location of the SDEJ installation).

Any of the targets listed in this configuration file can be passed to the build database target.

The datamanager_config.xml file is used when running the the build database target. When this target is run, composite targets specified within the datamanager_config.xml can be called. By default, the all composite target is called within the datamanager_config.xml file. To call a different composite target the can be passed to the build database target specifying the composite target to be called. For example, to call the initial composite target, the following could be executed:

build database

New composite targets can be added to the datamanager_config.xml file. The composite target can contain any number of subtargets. The following is an example of specifying a new composite target mycompositetarget that calls mynewtarget.

<target name="mynewtarget">
    <entry base="basedir"
  <compositetarget name="mycompositetarget">
    <subtarget name="mynewtarget"/>