Cúram Security Cache

Security information from the database tables supporting the profiles mentioned in Users, Roles and Groups is cached by the infrastructure. This is done to optimize the search and retrieval of data during the authorization process.

To optimize performance, the cache is loaded on demand as security authorization requests come into the application and is a shared resource. For application code, the cache is a protected resource and cannot be accessed directly. It is accessible, for queries only, through the authorization interface ( curam.util.security.Authorisation ) which allows a developer to implement a customized authorization procedure. Authorizing New SID Types should be referenced for further details on this.

When the curam.security.casesensitive property is set to false the security cache will store all usernames in upper case and all queries to the cache will automatically change the specified username into the upper case equivalent. It is also worth noting that the existence of duplicate case insensitive usernames will cause a fatal error during the initialization of the security cache. Changing the Case-Sensitivity of the Username should be consulted for further details on this.