Authorizing New SID Types

A server interface method is provided to enable authorization to be performed directly. This method may be added to a class that manipulates data on the conceptual element being secured by the new SID type.

A usage example of this method is below:

Figure 1. Example Usage of isSIDAuthorised()
// The SID associated with the conceptual element
       // to be secured.
       String someSID = "someSID";

       // Get the logged in username
       String loggedUser =

       // Check if the user has access rights
       if (
             someSID, loggedUser)) {
         // Do something sensitive that this user has rights to do
       } else {
       // Throw an exception indicating the user doesn't have
       // access to perform this action
         AppException exception
           = new AppException(MESSAGE.ERR_USER_NO_ACCESS);
         throw exception;