Install an Application

The Ant target to install an application (in the form of an .ear file) is installapp and requires the following options:

Figure 1. Example of Usage installapp
Note: The .ear (EAR) file containing the server module must be deployed before installing any other (client-only) EAR files.
An optional Ant property is available for passing additional arguments to WebSphere® wsadmin: wsadmin.extra.args. For example, the following sets new Java heap sizes and passes the option to append wsadmin tracing:
-Dwsadmin.extra.args="-javaoption -Xms1024m -javaoption -Xmx1024m -appendtrace true"
Depending on your shell you may need to escape the quotes above; e.g. -Dwsadmin.extra.args=\"-appendtrace true\". You should not use this property to set arguments already passed via the Curam Ant scripts and you can observe these when running Ant by specifying its verbose option: -v.