Invoking the Batch Launcher

The Batch Launcher is invoked using Apache Ant to build target runbatch. For example (on Microsoft Windows):

build runbatch

Alternatively the Batch Launcher can also be invoked by using Ant to build the default target in %SERVER_DIR%/build.xml

The default operation as mentioned is that the Batch Launcher will read the batch requests listed on the database. Alternatively, the following parameters can be passed to the Batch Launcher to force it to launch a single batch program, as a Java argument using "-D":

Table 1. Properties for launching a single Batch Process

Property Name



The fully qualified name of a batch operation (explained below).


(Optional) parameters for the batch process e.g. structField1=param1, structField2=param2, structField3=param3, etc. Note that there should be no white space in this value.


A valid application user name. This is optional. See Security for more information.

The following describes how to specify the fully qualified name of a batch operation for the batch.program property in Invoking the Batch Launcher. Note that the database tables mentioned here are part of the internal infrastructure and are subject to change without notice.

The fully qualified name of a batch operation can be expressed as: appname. codepackage.intf. classname. operationname for operations in code packages or appname.intf. classname. operationname for operations not in a code package where:

appname, classname and operationname can be obtained from the BatchProcDef database table. codepackage must be looked up from the FunctionIdentifier table. The key for looking up this table is fidName and is constructed as: classname. operationname.

If any batch program fails then an email is sent to the recipient specified by the property curam.batchlauncher.erroremail.recipient if set, the batch request is left on the queue and the Batch Launcher will terminate immediately, i.e., it will not attempt to process any other pending batch requests.

Note: Batch programs executing on IBM® z/OS® require IBM WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS to be installed.