Complete Precedent Change Set

The end point for the batch suite, containing a lightweight single-stream process that completes the currently-submitted batch precedent change set.

Do not run this batch process until you are sure that the previous step (Perform Batch Recalculations From Precedent Change Set) has completed for each dependent type registered with the Dependency Manager.

To run this batch process, execute the following command (on one line):

build runbatch -Dbatch.program=



If this batch process completes successfully, it will output a simple message confirming that the submitted batch precedent change set has been completed.

Tip: A common error is to attempt to run this batch process before the Submit Precedent Change Set has been run.

This process will output a simple error message if there is no batch precedent change set in the "submitted" state.

After the batch precedent change set has been completed, the processing checks to see if any new precedent changes were queued for further batch processing since the batch suite began. This situation can occur if

The processing will output a simple message reporting that either: