Perform Batch Recalculations From Precedent Change Set

This batch process is the heavyweight multiple-stream process that identifies the dependents which are potentially affected by the changes in the submitted precedent change set, and recalculates them. The time taken to run this process will vary according to how many dependent recalculations are required, and may be considerable.

The Perform Batch Recalculations From Precedent Change Set step must be executed multiple times - once for each dependent type registered with the Dependency Manager (see the output produced by the previous step Submit Precedent Change Set). You are free to choose the most appropriate order in which to process the dependent types; for example, it is likely to be more critical to your business to reassess case determinations (see the Inside Cúram Eligibility and Entitlement Using Cúram Express Rules guide) than it is to identify out-of-date advice (see the Advisor Configuration Guide). You are also free to spread the processing for different dependent types over several days, but note that further precedent change items queued for batch cannot be processed until the currently-submitted precedent change set has completed the full Dependency Manager batch suite.

The Perform Batch Recalculations From Precedent Change Set step uses Cúram's Batch Streaming Architecture (see the Cúram Batch Performance Mechanisms Guide) and as such the processing is divided into these phases:

To run this batch process for a particular dependent type, execute the following command (on one line):

build runbatch -Dbatch.program=



-Dbatch.parameters="dependentType= code-for-dependent-type "

By default the single process will perform both phases; however, you can run additional "Stream" processes concurrently on other machines to perform the second phase in parallel (see the Cúram Batch Performance Mechanisms Guide for more information on parallel processing and the environment variables which govern the parallel processing behavior of this Perform Batch Recalculations From Precedent Change Set process). To run a "stream" process for a particular dependent type, execute the following command (on one line):

build runbatch -Dbatch.program=



-Dbatch.parameters="dependentType= code-for-dependent-type "

The batch process will fail to start with a fatal error if any of the following occur:

Otherwise, the batch process will start, and attempt to identify and recalculate the affected dependents. The result of attempting to recalculate a particular dependent will be either:

When this Perform Batch Recalculations From Precedent Change Set process has completed, a comprehensive report is written with details of how many dependents were processed successfully, vs. not found, vs. encountered errors. If any errors were encountered, you should examine the output logs from your batch streams to obtain details of the errors.

Tip: If you set the standard Cúram log level to "verbose1" or higher, then prior to recalculating each dependent the Dependency Manager will output:

This output may be helpful in understanding why a particular dependent was identified as requiring a recalculation.

Note: If you accidentally run this batch process more than once for the same dependent type, then recalculations of the dependents will occur, but the recalculation will find that the dependent is already up-to-date.

As such, this kind of accidental additional run for a dependent type will not harm the system but may use up valuable processing time.

Take careful note of the list of dependent types and keep track of which dependent types you have processed and which remain to be processed.

1 This log level is recommended for development environments only.

Verbose logging can adversely affect performance and scalability in a production system.