Recording Scheduled Absence

Recording scheduled absence allows a case worker to record absence for a period of time in the past or for a period of time in the future (projected absence) where the case worker knows that the client will be absent. When scheduled absence is recorded, the system automatically creates absence records based on the participation defined when creating the action or service. For example, participation is specified such that a client is required to participate in the service once a week on a Monday for 4 hours. If a case worker records scheduled absence from 1 January to the 31 January, the system automatically records absence for 4 hours for every Monday that falls on or between the 1 January to the 31 January. Any attendance information, that has been recorded previously for the specified period, will be deleted and replaced by the appropriate absence.

If a case worker subsequently identifies that the client actually attended or that the absence information is different from the projected absence, the individual absence records created can be updated to reflect the correct information.