Case Worker Summary Views

Because of the high case load of case workers it is often difficult to be constantly aware of activities that need immediate attention. To assist them with their daily work activities, Outcome Management provides a number of summarized views and productivity pages which are used to highlight areas of work that may need urgent attention. For example, a plan review may need to be performed in the next few days or it is already overdue. This section outlines functionality that helps case workers to easily identify work activities that need to be addressed. The summaries and productivity pages described below are specific to Outcome Management and are in addition to those available in other areas of the application.

The following summaries are available: a summary view to identify reviews which are due and over due and a summary view to identify reviews that are currently in progress.

The following productivity pages are available: items due to complete, activities due to start and items past expected end date. The productivity pages consist of two sections: a filter and a results list. The filter allows the case worker to specify the criteria for displaying the results, for example, the type of items to display or the number of days that an item is overdue by. The first time the case worker opens the page, the filters must be set. The filters are persisted so that every time the caseworker accesses the page, the filters are automatically set with the previous settings and the search results are returned.