Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents

Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) are participants of the Food Assistance program between the ages of 18 and 49 who reside in a household with no children under 18 and who are considered physically and mentally fit for employment.

Legislation requires that, unless an exemption applies, the adult household members who are categorized as ABAWD individuals may only receive Food Assistance benefits for a maximum of 3 countable months in a 36 month period. When calculating the total number of months of Food Assistance received by a household member it is necessary to total the months received in other state(s) with the months received in the current state.

The countable months of assistance received by an ABAWD household member in the current state are determined by the system. The system uses the ABAWD rules to determine when a month of assistance received in the current state should be counted towards the ABAWD time limit. A countable month is one in which an ABAWD individual receives Food Assistance for the full benefit month while not fulfilling an exemption.

Individuals may receive up to 3 additional months of Food Stamp benefits. The 3 month extension is only granted once in a 36 month period. Once the extension has been granted, it will continue even if the individual otherwise becomes ineligible to participate.