Verification Groups

Verification groups can be used in scenarios where a user has to submit a varying combination of verification items to verify a piece of evidence. For example, Citizenship evidence can be verified by providing a either a passport or (a driver's license and a utility bill) or (photo-copy of a passport, a utility bill and a bank statement). In this scenario, three different verification groups can be created with the same level. The verification requirement for the Citizenship evidence can be satisfied when all the verification items from any of the groups are submitted.

Each verification group has a level associated with it. This indicates the level achieved when all the verification items of a group are provided. For example, if a level 5 is associated with a verification group, the Verification Engine will consider a verification requirement of level 5 to be satisfied when all the verification items defined in a group are provided.

The user can also define verification item utilization settings for each of the verification items in a group. For more information on verification item utilization settings, refer section Verification Item Utilizations.