Verification Item Utilizations

Verification item utilizations defines which verification items (e.g. passport, birth cert) are to be used for a particular verifiable data item. A verification item defines what can be used to verify the information provided by a participant, for example a passport, birth certificate, pay slip or medical certificate. For some verifiable data items, it may be possible to provide a number of options as to how the data item is verified, in which case such verifiable data items will have a number of verification item utilizations. For example, date of birth can be verified by providing a birth certificate or a passport.

There are a number of configuration settings for verification item utilizations and these impact the runtime functionality. The following list gives an overview of these setting.

From and To Dates
You can define a set period of time during which a verification item can be used to verify a verifiable data item. This is set by defining a period of time on the verification item utilization. Once past this period of time the verification item can no longer be used to verify the verifiable data item; therefore either one of the alternative verification item utilizations defined must be used or a new verification item utilization configured for the verifiable data item in question.
Usage Type
This property defines how a verification item should be utilized when multiple evidence records exist for a client for a particular evidence type which requires verification. The following values can be set for a Usage Type – Shared and Unique. By default, the usage type for a verification item is set as Shared.When the usage type is set as Shared, if multiple evidence records exist for a client for a particular evidence type which requires verification; once the caseworker captures a verification item against the first evidence record, this document is applied by default to the other evidence records of this evidence type. For example, a hospital receipt could be used to verify more than one medical expense. A client may have an asthma condition as well as an arthritis condition that are being treated in the same hospital and so a receipt from the hospital might contain information about the amount that the client was responsible for paying for both conditions.When the usage type is set as Unique, if multiple evidence records exist for a client for a particular evidence type which requires verification; once the caseworker captures a verification item against the first evidence record, this document is applied only to that record. For example, a client has two part time jobs and must verify the Earnings evidence from both the jobs by providing two separate pay slips (one per job). In this scenario, the verification item can be set as Unique so that when the client produces one pay slip, it is not applied to the other Earnings verification record.
Expiry and Warning Days
By setting expiry days on verification item utilizations, the expiry date will be calculated when a verification is added at runtime and when the expiry date is reached a workflow event is initiated. If warning days have been specified, the case owner will be notified when the warning date is reached. Note that expiry date processing and due date processing for verification uses Workflow functionality. For more information on expiry date and due date workflow processing, see section 4.4.1 Deadline Management
Note: Verification items for participant information do not expire. Participant information is not subject to the same time limits as cases are.
Indicates the level achieved by the verification item utilization. Levels range from 1 to 5 in ascending fashion, a level 1 item cannot satisfy a level 5 requirement. For example, a photocopy of a birth certificate might be considered a level 1 verification item, but the original birth certificate might be considered a level 5 verification item. The Verification Engine will compare the level setting of verification items as they are added against the level setting of the verification requirement in evaluating if the data item is verified.
This property indicates that a particular verification item is mandatory in order to verify a particular verifiable data item. If a verifiable data item has any associated verification items that must be supplied, then regardless of what other items have been added, the verifiable data item is not considered verified until all of the mandatory verification items have been supplied.
SIDs (For Adding or Removing Items)
These two properties specify the SIDs that a user must have in order to either add or remove a particular verification item for a given verifiable data item. If a SID is not supplied for either of these properties, then any user can perform the action associated with that property. For example, if no SID is provided for the “Remove Items” SID property, then any user will be able to remove a verification item.
This property indicates whether or not a verification item is provided by a client for a particular verifiable data item. This property could be used during communications between the organization and the client to ensure that a client is not asked to supply a verification item that should be sourced elsewhere. Note there is no system processing associated with this property, it is used for informational purposes only for the user.