Deadline Management

The organization can set up an expiration period on a verification item after which the item will no longer be valid. An organization can also specify the number of days after a particular event has occurred that the verification is due. The due day event may be one of the following:

When a verification is created, the due date is calculated by adding the number of due days defined to the date on which the specified event occurred. An administrator can also specify a warning date. A warning date indicates the number of days prior to the due date on which the caseworker is notified of the outstanding verification. If a verification is satisfied before the associated deadline has been reached, the deadline will not be monitored further unless the status of the verification changes.

When a verification item is added to a verification requirement, the expiry date is calculated by adding the number of expiry days to either the date the verification is added or the date the item is added. A workflow event is always initiated if expiry dates have been specified. If warning dates have been specified, a notification will be sent to the case owner of the encroaching verification expiry. When the expiry date is reached the administrable expiry date event is kicked off.

Note: Due date functionality is not maintained for participant verifications. This is because the criterion that can be used to define due date only apply to cases e.g. date on which the case was created.