Sensitivity Security

Sensitivity security provides a means of securing high profile or risky data that should be reserved for viewing by a small number of users. This is done by assigning a sensitivity level to the sensitive data. Users will only be permitted to view the secured data if their sensitivity level is higher the data's sensitivity level.

All users, participants, participant notes, and case notes are assigned a sensitivity level. Additional sensitivity security is available for service plans: all contracts, sub-goals, and plan items are assigned sensitivity levels. In order for a user to have access to the specific participant, user, note, contract, subgoal, or plan item fields, the user must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than the specific data. For example, if a user with a sensitivity level of 3 tries to modify an activity concerning a participant, that participant's sensitivity level must be equal to or less than 3.

Sensitivity levels range from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest level. The default sensitivity level for all users, participants, participant notes, and case notes is 1.