Administration Security

Each organization unit may have Read, Maintain, and Create Unit SIDs assigned to it. The Create Unit SID is the SID that a user must have to create a child organization unit for the organization unit. The Read SID is the SID that a user must have to view organization unit details and details of its child units and positions. The Maintain SID is the SID a user must have to maintain details of the organization unit and its child units and positions. The Maintain SID and the Create Unit SID always take precedence over the Read SID. i.e. where the user has the right to maintain a unit or create a child unit for a unit, they automatically have the right to view the unit regardless of whether they have read rights or not.

Consider the following organization structure of Midway Unit which has a child unit, Midway Claims Unit which itself has a child unit, Claims Intake Unit.

The following SIDs are specified for the above units:

Table 1. Administration Security Example

Organization Unit

SIDs specified

Midway Unit

read SID, maintain SID, create Unit SID

Midway Claims Unit

no SIDs specified

Claims Intake Unit

create Unit SID

If a user has the Read, Maintain and Create Unit SID for the Midway Unit, they can view, maintain and create a child unit for Midway Unit. The user can also view, maintain and create a child unit for the Midway Claims Unit. However, for the Claims Intake Unit, the user can only view and maintain the details of the Claims Intake Unit. To create a child unit for the Claims Intake unit, the user will have to have the Create Unit SID which has been specified for the Claims Intake Unit added to their profile.