Gross Income Test

Married Couple where Both Individuals Institutionalized

If both spouses are institutionalized, apply the following rules:

Exception: If spouses are both institutionalized but ineligible when treated as a couple, treat each spouse as an single institutionalized individual

Single Institutionalized Individual

Married Couple where One is Institutionalized and Other is Community Spouse

Eligible before Deductions (cost of care to be determined at post eligibility)

Reimbursement Rate apply the Deductions as follows:

  1. Determine the individual's gross unearned income AND
  2. Determine the individual's gross earned income AND
  3. If the individual's earned income is greater than zero, apply the Earned Income Deduction to earned income AND
  4. Total the individual's unearned income and earned income to give gross income for the individual AND
  5. Apply the Personal Needs Allowance (see the Personal Needs Allowance section in this chapter) AND Apply the Community Spouse Needs Allowance (see the Community Spouse Needs Allowance section in this chapter) AND
  6. Apply the Family Dependent Allowance (see the Family Dependent Allowance section in this chapter) AND
  7. Apply the Medical Expense Deduction (see the Medical Expense Deduction section in this chapter) AND
  8. Apply the Home Maintenance Allowance (see the Home Maintenance Allowance section in this chapter) AND
  9. Apply the Legal Guardian Expense Deduction (see the Legal Guardian Expense Deduction section in this chapter)