
Decision Assist is integrated with IEG2 to create and maintain questionnaires. Questions and relevant answer data types are configured using the IEG2 editor. Please refer to Section 4.4 of the Inside Cúram Decision Assist guide for more information on integration with IEG2.

The administrator can also control the question text which will be displayed to the user running the assessment. If the multiple sources configuration is set for the determination, then relevant aliases must be configured for the questions. For example, the question, "suicidal or risk of self harm", could be presented to a third party medical representative, such as a doctor. The wording of the question for the doctor would read, "Based on your medical evaluation, is this person suicidal or at risk for self harm?". This is done through the third party alias configuration in the IEG2 editor.

Some questionnaires may have questions that do not vary based on determination package parameters or can be used for more than one determination package configuration. Such questionnaires can be related to multiple determination packages. Questionnaires that are specific to a program or client characteristic can be related to a specific determination package.

Table 1. Answer Values for Answer Types
Answer Type Answer Value
Boolean Answers have a true or false, yes or no, answer value.
Code table Answers are selected from a drop-down list of answer values. For example, a frequency code table will have a drop-down list of values such as never, often, frequently, always.
Numeric Numeric answers can have minimum and maximum numeric values.