Typical Pictures

Typical pictures are a set of answers to questions that can be expected based on a previous determination outcome. So typical pictures are particularly relevant where multiple determination types exist in the same assessment (i.e. a non-standalone determination). For example, an asthma care questionnaire is used to ascertain the care needs of a person who has received an outcome of "severe" for an asthma medical determination. The asthma care questionnaire will ask the person a series of questions pertaining to his or her care needs due to the asthma condition. A person first answers the asthma needs questionnaire and an outcome of severe asthma is returned. The person then answers the asthma care questionnaire. The person's answers are compared with the typical answers for a severe asthma sufferer in order to observe similarities and differences.

If there is any change to the questions in the questionnaire, the system allows the user to run the 'Synchronize Typical Picture' functionality to resynchronize a typical picture with the questionnaire. For example, if a question has been removed from the questionnaire, resynchronizing the typical picture results in the removal of the question from the typical picture.

Important: It is important to note that while typical pictures can be configured as part of Decision Assist Administration, the ability to compare typical answers to actual answers is not supported for determination-based assessments, because only determinations of the same type can be created for the assessment.