Microsoft Word Templates

Like XSL templates, Microsoft Word templates can also be used to create a number of communications from the same template. However, the creation of a communication from a Microsoft Word template is done manually. A business user can create a communication based on an Microsoft Word template and make any necessary modifications to the communication before issuing it. For example, if the business user had a phone conversation with the correspondent before creating the communication, the details of that conversation can be added to the communication text.

Microsoft Word templates can also include variable data. Note, however, once an Microsoft Word communication is created from a template, the data becomes part of the communication itself. For example, if the Microsoft Word template includes variables for the correspondent's name and address, the correspondent's actual name and address, rather than the variables, are stored in the communication text.

Another difference between XSL templates and Microsoft Word templates is the management of the templates themselves. As stated previously, XSL template creation and maintenance requires XSL development knowledge; Microsoft Word templates are created and maintained in Microsoft Word. Thus, any user with administration privileges and Microsoft Word skills can maintain these templates.