Scheduling a Meeting

Meetings can be scheduled from a case or user calendar. When scheduling a meeting, the meeting organizer can specify information about the meeting such as the location and start and end time of the meeting, as well as invite attendees. When individuals are invited to a meeting, the system automatically sends a meeting request to all of the invitees for which a valid e-mail address is available.

PIM integration with the application's meetings functionality enables meeting requests to appear in the application calendar and external email accounts, for example, Microsoft Outlook. Meeting notes can also be recorded by the user when creating a meeting.

When a meeting is created from within a case, a case activity event is automatically created. The case transaction log is also updated when a case meeting is created, or modified. Meetings created from within a case are automatically associated with that case. When a meeting conflict with an existing meeting is detected for an invitee an informational is displayed to the meeting organizer.