Inviting Attendees to a Meeting

Any individual invited to a meeting who has a valid email address will receive a meeting invite request via e-mail and can choose to accept, decline, or mark as tentative the meeting using his or her PIM calendar. If an invitee does not have a valid email address recorded, no meeting request will be sent to the invitee and an informational message will be displayed to the meeting organizer.

When a meeting is created from a case calendar, the user can choose to invite the primary client for the case, other case members, and other users or participants involved with the case. Additional meeting attendees can be invited to the meeting after it has been created. In addition to selecting from a list of case participants and users related to the case, the user can also select from persons and users registered on the system, and can also specify an email address for individuals not registered on the system.

One of the benefits of issuing meeting requests is the ability for potential meeting attendees to store the scheduled meeting not only in their application calendars but also in alternative email accounts, for example, Microsoft Outlook.