Capturing Evidence via the Guided Flow

As mentioned in sections Capturing Application Information and Submitting An Application, the worker starts and submits an application via a guided flow. The intake worker has the option to submit the application guided flow once the minimum required information is captured, or alternatively, the worker can continue with the guided flow to capture the majority of the application evidence.

The intake worker is guided through an extensive set of questions to capture all of the information required to process the application, such as client personal details, employment details, and income, resources, and expenses details. This option is especially useful for inexperienced users. For agencies that have implemented evidence in Cúram, when the application is submitted, the application data is mapped to the relevant Cúram evidence records. The user can continue to maintain the evidence via the Cúram evidence management functionality.

Note: The guided flow option is available where the intake worker is taking the application for the client in the office or on the phone. The intake worker can use the Cúram Evidence Workspace for completing the evidence requirements for online applications.