Creating a New Case for an Application

There are a number of configuration options available to the agency for submitting applications and associating them with new cases. These are described in the table below.

Table 1. Application And Case Creation Configurations
Configuration Example of Usage
Single application for a single program, single case created A client presents at an agency office and applies for child care via a single application and for a single program.
Single application for multiple programs, single case created A client presents at an agency office and applies for income support. The agency has more than one income support programs available, and a single case is created for all the programs applied for on the application.
Single application for multiple programs, multiple cases created A client presents at an agency office and applies for income support, where the agency has an application form for more than one program (e.g., food assistance, cash assistance and medical assistance). Each program is managed on a separate case.
Multiple applications for multiple programs, multiple cases created A client presents at an agency office applying for income support and child care. The client must complete two application forms to apply for income support programs and child care separately. One case is created for the child care application and one or more cases are created for the income support application.

The agency also has the option to configure when the integrated case is made visible to intake and eligibility workers in the agency. All of the functionality required to process the application to completeness is available on the application itself, so the recommended approach is to make the integrated case visible when at least one program on the application has been disposed, as that is the case from which the ongoing eligibility of the clients will be managed. However, the agency does have the option to configure the case searches and lists to return the newly created integrated cases before the application is disposed if the agency wants the intake and eligibility workers to have access to the cases from an earlier stage in the application lifecycle, for example, immediately after the application has been submitted.