Configuring Outcome Plan Factors

A factor can be defined which does not form part of a larger assessment as described in Chapter 2 Configuring Assessments. For example, General Education Diploma (GED) assessments are often outsourced to third party providers. The third party provider sends the result of the assessment back to the agency. The result can then be recorded by the case worker. Unlike factors described earlier, a question script is not needed since the agency will not be asking the questions of the client. As a result of this neither a CER rule set or CDA Matrix is required. Only categories and classifications must be defined for each factor which will allow the case worker to record the appropriate result for the assessment of the factor.

As with factors within an assessment, an outcome plan factor must be categorized as either a need or barrier. A reference can be specified which allows the goal to be referenced in code.

A Rating Interval can be specified which represents the frequency at which this factor should be reassessed (rated) and is used to calculate a next assessment date for this factor. For example, the rating interval of a GED assessment factor is 30 days. If a result was recorded for this factor on 01/01/2011, the next date a result should be recorded is on the 31/01/2011.

The Planning Applicable indicator specifies whether the factor is involved in the planning aspects of the outcome plan. If the indicator is set to true, the factor will be available for selection when the case worker is adding an objective or activity to the outcome plan. If the indicator is set to false, the factor will only be displayed on the factors list on the outcome plan, and will not be displayed when the case worker is adding an objective or activity to an outcome plan, or in the activity workspace for the outcome plan.

Once the factors are created classifications and recommendations can be defined for an outcome plan factor. See Adding Recommendations for information on adding recommendations.