Summary Mapping

If 'Summary Mapping' is selected as the means of providing Summary Details for the Dynamic Evidence Type Version, administrators can set the following optional properties:

Summary Mapping Property Description
Start Date

If this property is set in the Editor, the value of the Attribute pointed to by the Start Date property will be used in the Dynamic Evidence Type Workspace page as the first date in the 'Period' column of the list for each Case Evidence record. If this property is not set in the Editor, the system will attempt to use the value for the Evidence Business Start Date property as the first date in the 'Period' column. If, in turn, this date is also not set, then the Case Start Date will be used as the first date in the 'Period' column at runtime.

In the Editor, this property can be set to any Data Attribute or Calculated Attribute with a data type of 'Date'.

End Date

If this property is set in the Editor, the value of the Attribute pointed to by the End Date property will be used in the Dynamic Evidence Type Workspace page as the second date in the 'Period' column of the list for each Case Evidence record. If this property is not set in the Editor, the system will attempt to use the value of the Evidence Business Start Date property as the second date in the 'Period' column. If, in turn, this date is also not set, the Period will be displayed as open-ended i.e. Without a second date displayed in the 'Period' column of the list for each Case Evidence record (e.g. '2/2/2001 - ')

In the Editor, this property can be set to any Data Attribute or Calculated Attribute with a data type of 'Date'.

Participant If this property is set in the Editor, the name of the participant pointed to by the 'Participant' property will be used to populate the 'Participant' column of the Dynamic Evidence Type Workspace page at runtime. If this property is not set in the Editor, the name of the Primary Client will be populated instead.
Message ID To set the text to be used for the Description column of the Dynamic Evidence Type Workspace page, administrators must set the 'Message ID' property. To set this property, the search icon to the right of the 'Message ID' property should be clicked; this brings up the 'Edit Summary Message' dialog.

Edit Summary Message Dialog

To set or modify the Message for a Summary Mapping, the following properties must be specified

Summary Mapping Property Description

The text to use for the Summary Details Message. This Message can be parameterized with Attribute values, placeholders for which are specified in the Message with the format of: opening curly brace, parameter number, closing curly brace - e.g. {0}.

At runtime, the parameters specified in the 'Message Parameters' list below will be substituted into the Message to construct the Evidence Description to display. See the 'Message Parameters' property for more information on parameterization of messages.

Message ID Mandatory string to be used as the key to the Message property value; can be any valid identifier (e.g. 'MyEvidenceTypeVersion.SummaryMessage')
Message Parameters An ordered list of Data Attribute and/or Calculated Attributes or Address Attribute to be used in the Message. As mentioned above, placeholders are put in the Message to indicate that an Attribute value should be substituted into the Message at runtime, and these placeholders follow the following pattern: {0}, {1}, {2}, etc.

For example, say the ' Message ' property is set to the following:

Earns ${0} {1} working for {2}

And the ' Message Parameters ' are set the following:

incomeAmount, incomeFrequency, employerName

Then the message (given the appropriate data in the Case Evidence Record) could be displayed as something like:

'Earns $123.50 weekly working for Midway Services Inc.'