Summary Details

As mentioned earlier, the Summary Details (also known as Summary Information) for a Dynamic Evidence Type Version specifies the value to be used in the Description column of the Dynamic Evidence Type Workspace page for each Case Evidence record in respect of this Dynamic Evidence Type Version. As a reminder, the Dynamic Evidence Type Workspace page is the tab opened by clicking on an Evidence Type name on the Evidence Dashboard. The Description appears on the Dynamic Evidence Type Workspace page as a hyperlink that, when clicked, opens up the Business Object Tab for the selected Case Evidence record.

Dynamic Evidence provides a number of different ways to specify Summary Details for a Dynamic Evidence Type Version, controlled by the radio buttons on the Summary Details Tab of the Evidence Properties Panel.

The following options are provided:

Note: The options available for specifying Validations are not mutually exclusive; it is possible to define both Standard Validations and CER Rule Set Validations for a single Dynamic Evidence Type Version.

With Summary Details, however, these options are mutually exclusive - it is only possible to select one of the above options.