Why Dynamic Evidence Types and Versions

Evidence is typically gathered in support of legislative or policy-driven eligibility and entitlement rules for Progams, and such rules tend to evolve over time as policies are adjusted and refined. As a result, in many cases the Evidence requirements for such Programs can also evolve, as the requirement to collect more or less information about a Case or Person changes.

As mentioned earlier, for Non-Dynamic Evidence, such changes need to be made using the Curam Development Environment, tested and eventually deployed into production. If Evidence data structures have changed in the newer version, then some amount of Data Migration may be required.

Dynamic Evidence, however, supports this requirement for Evidence definitions to evolve over time without the need for redeployment or data migration.

Note: The Dynamic Evidence infrastructure does however impose restrictions on how metadata can change over time (see Evolution of Dynamic Evidence Type Metadata).

To achieve this behavior, Dynamic Evidence is designed to have two main elements: Dynamic Evidence Types, and Dynamic Evidence Type Versions.