Dynamic Evidence Type Versions

The Dynamic Evidence Type Version describes the structure and behaviour of a Dynamic Evidence Type at a particular point in time. Dynamic Evidence Type Versions have effective dates to support the evolution of Evidence Types over time. A Dynamic Evidence Type Version applies from its effective date, and will be used to maintain Case Evidence data from this date onwards. However, unlike Non-Dynamic Evidence, it is possible for multiple Versions of Dynamic Evidence to exist in the system, as long as all of these Versions have different effective dates; there can only ever be a single Dynamic Evidence Type Version active for a particular effective date.

Note: If a case worker attempts to enter Case Evidence in respect of a Dynamic Evidence Type for a date in the past, the system will use the Dynamic Evidence Type Version effective at that date. This may be the latest Version, or may be one that was defined and in use some time ago. In this way, the system will only ask for information required at each point in the history of the Evidence Type, and thus users never have to wonder whether or not a field should be filled in - if it isn't relevant, then it isn't displayed.

The next two sections explore the details of Dynamic Evidence Types and Dynamic Evidence Type Versions in greater depth.