Create New Dynamic Evidence Type

To create a new Dynamic Evidence Type, the user must click the ' New... ' button on the Dynamic Evidence List Page. This will open the ' New Dynamic Evidence Type ' page in a modal window.

When creating a new Dynamic Evidence Type, to save the administrator some time the system will automatically create both a Dynamic Evidence Type and a Dynamic Evidence Type Version in the background - this is because valid Dynamic Evidence Types need to have at least one Dynamic Evidence Type Version.

This page has the following properties:

Evidence Type
This is the display name of the Dynamic Evidence Type. Unlike other properties, the name is not stored in the EvidenceTypeDef entity. Instead, it is stored in the EvidenceType Codetable and can be localized using the standard localization process for Codetables (note that the Evidence Type code for this Codetable is generated by the Dynamic Evidence infrastructure).

The Evidence Type name is mandatory and must be unique across all Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Evidence Types. The system enforces a check for uniqueness verifying that the supplied name is not in use by other Evidence Types, and this check is made for all supported locales.

Logical Name
The Logical Name is a unique identifier for the Dynamic Evidence Type on the system. It is used to reference the Dynamic Evidence Type from a number of other configuration components e.g. Rule classes, localizable resources, etc. The Logical Name follows a specific naming format: it must start with a lowercase or uppercase English alphabetic character, and can contain lowercase and uppercase English alphabetic characters, numeric characters and underscores.

The Logical Name is a non-modifiable property which once entered cannot be changed on the Modify page.

Effective From Date
This is the effective date used for the initial Dynamic Evidence Type Version created from this page.
Security Group
The Security Group property is used to create a new Cúram Security Group for the Dynamic Evidence Type. Dynamic Evidence Type Security Identifiers for Case Evidence maintenance operations (generated by the Dynamic Evidence infrastructure) will be added to this group. The Security Group name is additionally used to construct the names of generated Security Identifiers (see Security Identifiers and Security Groups).

Note that there is a single group for the Dynamic Evidence Type, rather than there being separate groups for each Dynamic Evidence Type Version. In practice, this means that if a case worker has permission to access one Dynamic Evidence Type Version, then they have permission to access all Dynamic Evidence Type Versions for a Dynamic Evidence Type.

The Security Group name is a non-modifiable property and must be unique across Dynamic Evidence Types.

The Definition field represents a short piece of descriptive text explaining the Dynamic Evidence Type. The Definition field is non-localizable, optional, and is currently used for annotation purposes only - this Definition is not referred to from the Case Evidence screens, for example.
The Description field is a localizable text property displayed on the 'New Evidence Type' search page in the case worker workspace (i.e. the page that allows users to select an Evidence Type to create a new Case Evidence record). If no value is provided for this property, the system will default to displaying the Evidence Type Name in the description column of this page.

The Description field is localized using Evidence Type properties resources (see Evidence Type Properties Resources ). Each Evidence Type has an associated localizable properties resource. The naming convention for these properties resources is "DynEvd_EvidenceType_" followed by the logical name of the Dynamic Evidence Type and ended with ".properties" (e.g. DynEvd_EvidenceType_<logicalName>.properties ). The Description text entered on the Create Dynamic Evidence Type page is inserted in DynEvd_EvidenceType_<logicalName>.properties for the default locale. The property key name is made up of the Evidence Type logical name followed by ".description" (e.g. <logicalName>.description).

The creation of a new Dynamic Evidence Type generates several additional artifacts: