EvidenceType Codetable Entries

When a new Dynamic Evidence Type is created, a Codetable entry is automatically added to the EvidenceType Codetable. The generated Codetable code will begin with the value of the curam.dynamicevidence.type.code.prefix Cúram environment variable, and then a generated unique number will be appended. The Codetable item description will be the name of the new Dynamic Evidence Type as entered by the administrator on the Dynamic Evidence Type Create page. The locale will be the server locale.

The Codetable code prefix is limited to three characters and its default value is DET.

Evidence Type Codetable entries will be removed if the Dynamic Evidence Type is cancelled.

warning: Auto-generated Codetable entries are recorded against the server locale, but displayed for the locale of the currently logged in user. It is highly recommended that Administrator users configuring Dynamic Evidence operate in the same locale as the server. In multi locale deployments this will prevent localization issues that may occur before auto-generated Codetable items are translated for all supported locales.