Configuring Exceptional Payment Processing Options

The following exceptional payment options can be configured for service offerings at the time of registration, or at any time after the service offering has been registered: minimum amount payment, maximum amount payment and fixed amount payment. These payment option settings are used to specify how to handle exceptional payments. For each of these options, the administrator can configure whether the payment is paid at a fixed amount, not paid, or paid as billed.

For example, if the fixed amount for a service offering payment is $100, but the actual amount billed by the provider for the service offering is $110, the payment option chosen for the service offering will dictate what the provider receives: The provider will be paid $100 if 'pay fixed amount' is set, $110 for 'pay as billed', or $0 for 'don't pay'.

Exceptional payment options can also be set in the resource manager application for individual providers. This allows for a flexible approach to paying providers. Exceptional payment options set for individual providers takes precedence over those set at the service offering level in the administration application.