IBM Rational
Web Developer Version - Release
Welcome to the integrated suite of Rational®
Developer tools,
powered by Eclipse technology
release 3.0.2.
To view the latest version of the IBM® Rational Web
Developer Version readme file, go to this Web address:
To view the latest version of the IBM Rational Web
Developer Version 6.0 readme file, go to this Web address:
This file is available in the following national languages:
Table of contents
1.0 About this release
2.0 Installation information
3.0 Known
limitations, problems, and workarounds
4.0 About Eclipse
5.0 Where to find
more information
6.0 Contacting customer
7.0 Notices and
1.0 About this
IBM Rational Web Developer Version contains
enhancements and fixes to the version 6.0 release.
Back to the table of contents.
1.1 New in this
IBM Rational Web Developer Version provides new
function for the following components:
Generation Language (EGL)
- Introduces the EGL report handler, which contains customized
functions that are invoked at different times during execution of a
JasperReports design file. The data returned from each function is
included in your output report, which can be rendered in PDF, XML,
text, or HTML format. The technology is an improvement on the
reporting capability that was available in Informix® 4GL.
- Introduces the EGL console UI, which is a technology for
creating a character-based interface that allows an immediate,
keystroke-driven interaction between the user and an EGL-generated
JavaTM program. The technology is an improvement on the
dynamic user
interface that was available in Informix 4GL.
- Provides new flexibility for code development:
- Allows you to declare new types of variables:
- A reference variable, which does not contain business
data but
points to such data.
- A variable that contains or refers to a large quantity of
specifically, to a binary large object (BLOB) or a character large
object (CLOB).
- A string variable, which refers to a Unicode string whose
length varies at run time.
- An ANY-typed variable, which can contain business data of
primitive type.
- Allows you to include function invocations in expressions.
- Allows you to reference a record without having
development-time knowledge of the size or other characteristics of
the record or of the fields in that record. Each field can itself
refer to a record.
- Expands support for dynamic arrays, which can now have
- Introduces two new kinds of data collections:
- A dictionary, which is composed of a set of key-and-value
entries. You can add, delete, and retrieve entries at run time, and
the value in a given entry can be of any type.
- An arrayDictionary, which is composed of a set of
one-dimensional arrays, each of any type. You access the content of
an arrayDictionary by retrieving the same-numbered elements across
all the arrays.
- Expands the number of system functions for various purposes:
- To improve datetime processing, run-time message
handling, and
retrieval of user-defined Java Runtime properties.
- To support the new functionality related to reports,
- Provides better support for exception handling, for data
initialization, and for DLL access.
- Provides a new wizard to create EGL report handlers.
- Allows you to customize a Web-page template for use with the
Data Parts and Pages wizard, which quickly provides a Web
application for accessing a single relational database.
- Allows you to create code that reflects the run-time behavior
of Informix 4GL in relation to null processing and database
Back to the table of contents.
1.2 Product fix
This release contains fixes for version 6.0 problems in the
following components. APAR numbers, if applicable, follow in
Code Review
This fix resolves problems with missing or incorrect user
interface translations in some of the translated versions of
Rational Web Developer, including:
- Italian, German, Spanish versions of the product displaying
French sentences.
- Untranslated sentences on the Logger info input page where Log
levels are set.
- Corrupt characters in the Brazilian Portuguese version.
- Untranslated sentences, in the J2EE Deep Static Analysis rules
files, in the Japanese and Traditional Chinese versions of the
- Untranslated sentences in the Choose Charset wizard when
- This interim fix contains the most up-to-date English
documentation for Rational Web Developer.
- This fix includes updates to the translated versions of the
product documentation in French, German, Italian, Brazilian
Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and
Traditional Chinese.
- This fix includes the Auction sample documentation, in English
and the national languages, that was not included in version
This fixes many problems relating to missing or incorrect
translations for the following translated versions:
Generation Language (EGL)
- The compile-time error whereby a spurious '$' was generated in
diffhandlers in projects which used an EGL back-end has been fixed.
Diffhandlers now are generated correctly with a '.' in place of the
'$' when referencing inner classes.
- This fix resolves problems with the EGL language support
(particularly in the areas of Reports and Console User Interfaces),
and Java generation and runtime that prevent the migration of
applications from Informix 4GL to EGL.
- Content
assist does not show Resize and Setmaxsize after selecting the
index of the first dimension of a dynamic array.[PK00043]
- Content
assist does not show local variables as possible ranges for array
elements. [PK00101]
dynamic arrays: resizeAll and setMaxSizes do not accept as a
parameter an array definition, just a reference to an array.
J2EE development
- A default module project name problem with EAR Import has been
fixed. Incorrect logic was used to compute the project names such
that duplicate project names were possible. For example, before the
fix, if an EAR defined two module URIs as foo.1.jar and foo.2.jar,
the project names for both were being computed as foo. With this
fix, the project names are now computed as foo_1 and foo_2. The
problem that caused EARs containing two module URIs like foo.1.jar
and foo.2.jar to fail to deploy properly on WebSphere®
Server has also been fixed.
- The problem of Project Interchange Import (File > Import
> Project Interchange) memory leak has been fixed. A similar
memory leak when importing various samples from the Samples Gallery
has also been fixed.
- Refreshing a
project in the J2EE Project Navigator view does not refresh any
external libraries. This means that if an external library is
replaced with a new library which contains a different API, then
this API will not be picked up by the Java compiler or the content
assist even after refreshing the project. The work-around is
to switch to the Package Explorer view and refresh the project.
- When
creating an EJB client in the EJB deployment descriptor in WebSphere
Studio Web Developer
v5.1.2, the wizard prompts for a Project Location. The
resulting EJB client project that is created will always use the
default value no matter what is specified in this
projects do not comply with Eclipse export build path function.
- When
multiple entries (CMP fields) are added to a bean, to activate a
scroll bar, the scroll bar does not respond to user action.
JavaServer Faces
JSF upload
component throws an out of memory exception is the upload file is
large. [JR20719]
Page Designer
- When
editing an attribute of a component in the Properties view, Page
Designer does not save editing position of the component in the
Page Designer editor pane. Instead, when returning to the editor
from the Properties view, the user is brought to the top of the
page. [PQ99734]
- When
opening a JSP file in Page Designer, a "Unable to open part" error
dialog opens. The editor view displays the error "An error has
occurred when creating this editor". [PQ99547]
Relational database
- When this fix is installed, it allows the user to specify a
schema in the SQL Wizard and SQL Query Builder. This user-specified
schema will be assumed for all unqualified tables and tables
qualified with this schema will have the schema removed after
parsing. Instructions for activating this fix are included in a
document entitled "Omitting the current schema qualifier in SQL
statements" on the
Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Support and downloads
- SQLJ plugin has been changed to generate a unique default
package name regardless of case.
Struts tools
Java package prefix for the Struts preference is set to
programming with Rational ClearCase
- The problem where the disablement of the ClearCase®
SCM Adapter
capability was not persistent between workbench sessions has been
- The problem where a dialog prompting for product instance
location for the ClearCase Typemanager is presented to the user
upon each new workspace creation even if ClearCase is not installed
has been fixed.
Test and deployment
The following problems found in Application Server Toolkit V6.0
have been fixed:
- J2EE Ant Exports fail.
- Ant task regenerateAccessBean cannot read
- EJBs implementing TimedObject fails with incremental
- Datastore does not support the access intent for Custom
- Internal error in mapping metadata - LINK is a reserved
- Composer fields IsNull value are not set in CacheImpl
- CacheImpl is not setting isNull.
- Function set for SQLJ DB2® V8.2 fails
- Configuration support for iSeriesTM.
- Empty list of predicate col names for EJB 1.1 root-leaf.
- Problems when deploying DB2 Reg. on top of an existing
- Cannot continue Web Service creation scenario when using HTTP
Basic Authentication.
- WSDL2Java generates bad code
- Exception in client scenario if WSDL has no SOAP bindings.
- Missing noWrappedOperations to WSDK.
- Port CTC XSD bean fixes.
- Incorporate WebSphere Application Server emitter
- Two issues with using the Web Service creation wizard to
generate a Web service that runs on WebSphere application server.
Without this fix, there are two cases where the user will receive a
WebSphere exception and be unable to proceed through the
UML diagrams
- The problem where a UML Class diagram containing a data model
element from another project that could not be found resulted in
many exceptions being logged, creation of large log file and
potentially very long durations to open a diagram has been
- The following problem has been fixed: When working with the
cascading style sheet (CSS) editor and a UML2 diagram editor for
modeling or visualization, when the CSS editor is closed, several
error exceptions are reported in the .log file and the following
error message displays: "An error has occurred. See the error log
for details." Clicking elsewhere in the product will cause the same
sequence of error messages to display.
- The problem where the Component shape on a UML diagram did not
show a stereotype image has been fixed
- The problem where occasionally the product would enter a
deadlock when attempting to visualize a Java method in a UML
Sequence Diagram has been fixed.
- The problem where the top portion of lifeline header names in a
UML Sequence Diagram was truncated when using Korean text has been
- The problem where the top portion of operation names in
Compartment shapes of a UML diagram was truncated when using Korean
has been fixed.
- The problem that restricted the location of localized UML model
profiles to a directory name containing "/profiles" existed. This
restriction has been removed.
- The problem where an attempt to save a UML modeling topic
diagram (.tpx) as a UML visualization diagram (.dnx) fails and an
error is logged has been fixed.
- The problem when creating an "extends" relationship between
Java interfaces on a UML Class Diagram, if the super (target)
interface is a binary Java type (available in the workspace through
a referenced JAR), then unwanted method stubs are created in the
(sub)interface has been fixed. These method stubs are for the
methods declared in the super interface(s).
- This fixes a problem on a UML Class diagram when a method is
dragged from a Java class and dropped on another class resulting in
the method not being removed from the original class and a method
with a blank body being created in the new class. The code body of
the method was lost. This operation is not a supported operation
and has been disabled.
- The problem where a Java "pull-up" refactor in the Java editor
was not reflected in a UML Class diagram that visualized the class
has been fixed.
- The problem where a compare or merge command launched
externally by ClearCase on a modeling or visualization artifact
failed on Windows® Operating Systems set to a language
translates the user's "Application Data" directory has been
- The problem where changes to the Page Setup dialog for printing
UML Diagrams were ignored has been fixed.
- The problem where UML Modeling editors would not recognize .xmi
file types has been fixed.
- The problem where registration of new model types was not
extensible has been fixed.
- The problem where navigating through a Browse Diagram of Java
or UML classes always used the default relationship selections
instead of the users last selection has been fixed.
- The default layout preference in the Diagram Navigator of
'Hierarchical' has been changed to 'Flat'.
- The problem where bookmarks on UML Sequence Diagrams would be
deleted when geometric shapes were added to the diagram has been
- The problem where a refactor operation that would result in
modification of a UML visualization class diagram would fail if the
diagram file was under source control and not checked out has been
- The problem where changing the generalization (inheritance)
relationship from one UML class or Java class on a UML Class
Diagram can result in the diagram not showing the change that
occurred in the underlying model or class has been fixed.
- The problem where errors occurred in some situations of
deleting an Enterprise JavaBean project containing UML Class
diagrams that are open has been fixed.
Visual Editor for
The problem where the specification of a parameter or exception
in a method declaration of a Java Interface class in the New Java
Interface Wizard was ignored and not added to the generated
interface has been fixed.
Web services tools
- When using the Web service wizards to process WSDL served from
a site protected by HTTP Basic Authentication, the wizards ask for
a user ID and password, but will subsequently not allow you to
proceed beyond the third page of the wizard (the server/runtime
configuration page). This has been fixed for the WebSphere (J2EE)
Web services scenarios. For Apache Axis and Apache or IBM SOAP
scenarios, you will need to download a local copy of the WSDL to
your workspace and then launch the wizard to process the local
- When using the Web service wizard to create a URL or DADX Web
service and client for a v5 server, the wizard will fail part way
through processing, at the point it first attempts to generate the
Web service client. The failure occurs after clicking Next to
leave the Binding Proxy
Generation page, and is manifested by an error dialog with the
message "IWAB0222E Error encountered while analyzing WSDL file" and
a java.lang.NullPointerException in the dialog's details section.
This problem occurs because the wizard attempts to retrieve the
service's WSDL at a point when the server hosting the WSDL is in
the stopped state. This has been fixed. The wizard will ensure the
server is in the started state before attempting to retrieve the
WSDL in order to generate the Web service client.
- If you launch a Web service wizard from the Web Services
Explorer, the wizard dialog appears "on top" of all other windows
on your desktop and cannot be minimized or positioned behind any
other windows, including the main Rational Web Developer or
Rational Web Developer workbench window. Furthermore, if an error
occurs during processing by the wizard, the error dialog appears
behind the wizard; however, you will not be able to see or dismiss
the error dialog and you will not be able to move or exit out of
the wizard. The only workaround is to stop the Rational Application
Developer or Rational Web Developer process. This has been fixed.
The wizards launched from the Web Services Explorer no longer
monopolize the desktop.
- When using the JavaBeansTM for XML Schema wizard to
JavaBeans from schema containing complexType extensions and
abstract complexTypes, compilation errors in the generated Java
might result due to duplicate methods and other Java symbols. This
is now fixed. In addition, the Java code generated by the wizard
for a schema might fail to properly deserialize XML instance
documents containing prefixed elements. In particular, none of the
child elements beneath an element with a prefix will be
deserialized into Java objects. The result is an incomplete
collection of Java objects corresponding to the instance document.
This also is now fixed.
- If you create a Web service top down from WSDL and XML Schema,
first change the schema then recreate your Web service. The wizard
will not regenerate the JavaBeans and skeleton for your Web
service; however, it will regenerate fresh deployment files,
resulting in compilation errors due to the old JavaBeans and
skeleton being out of synchronization with the new deployment
files. The wizard has been fixed to regenerate all the Java
classes, including the deployment, bean, and skeleton classes.
Important: With the application of this fix, the wizard
will replace your previous skeleton class and any business logic
within it by a fresh skeleton (provided you have enabled file
overwriting). To help protect against the loss of your business
logic, your previous skeleton class will be copied to a backup file
before it is overwritten. The backup file is stored in the same
folder as your skeleton, and is named after your skeleton .java
file but with the additional suffix ".bak". At most one such backup
is produced.
- The Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java emitters within the Web services
GUI tools in WebSphere Studio Application Developer have been
upgraded based upon the Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java emitters from
WebSphere Application Server 5.1.1 Cumulative Fix 1 (
amended with a few additional emitter fixes.
Important: After applying this upgrade, the code
generated by the Web services tools may not compile against
WebSphere Application Server v5.0.2, which is the level of the v5.0
Unit Test Environment (UTE) in Application Developer. Should this
occur, apply WebSphere Application Server 5.0.2 Cumulative Fix 8
( to your UTE and to any other installed v5.0.2 servers as
- The WSDL2Java tool included with WebSphere Application Server
features a "-noWrappedOperations" option used to trigger generation
of request and response beans for top-level complexTypes and
complexType elements referenced by WSDL operations. This option has
not previously been available to users of Application Developer. It
is now available via Windows > Preferences > Web
Services> Code Generation > IBM WebSphere runtime >
Generate Java from WSDL using the no wrapped style.
- Application Developer does not handle WSDL and XML Schema
include and import elements that use relative location URIs that
reach across directories. The WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Web service wizards will
generally fail with an error similar to this example: "IWAB0529E
Error in resolving WSDL file
import WSDL file must have absolute URL or relative URL in the same
directory". This limitation is now resolved, with the caveat that
the top-level WSDL document must not attempt to refer, directly or
indirectly, to any other WSDL or XML Schema document not located
in, or beneath, the top-level WSDL document's directory. In other
words, the root WSDL document must exist at the top of the tree of
all WSDL and XML Schema documents upon which it depends.
- Given a schema complexType containing two or more elements of
the same name, the JavaBeans for XML Schema wizard will generate a
bean class with duplicate getters and setters with identical names
and signatures, resulting in a Java compilation error. This has
been fixed. The wizard will now generate single indexed getter and
setter methods in which the index identifies the specific
occurrence of the element to get or set.
- The problem that WSDL validator might report that a WSDL file
is not valid if it contains an in-line schema with a restriction
pattern which includes a colon has been fixed.
- The problem that WSDL validator might report that an imported
WSDL file is not valid when it is valid has been fixed.
- The problem that WSDL validator might report schemas imported
by in-line schemas as not valid when they are valid has been
- The problem in the WSDL Editor where Extensibility Elements in
a WSDL file can appear twice has been fixed. A related problem of
the inability to add Extensibility Elements under another
Extensibility Element in a WSDL file has also been fixed.
- When a WebSphere Version 6 DB2 -based UDDI registry is deployed
on top of a CloudscapeTM-based one, there was a problem
where the
registry became inaccessible. This has been fixed.
- Creation of a WebSphere-based Web Service skeleton or client
from a WSDL document that is protected via HTTP Basic Auth is no
longer blocked.
- The problem where deploying a Web service results in the
creation of a bad java.lang.String_Deser deserializer class has
been fixed.
- The exception which occurs when attempting to create a
WebSphere-based Web service skeleton or client using a WSDL
document that does not contain a SOAP binding has now been
- The -noWrappedOperations WSDL2Java option is now available in
the WSDL2WebService and WSDL2Client commands.
- Some cases where the XSD to JavaBean generator generated a
JavaBean with duplicate methods have been resolved.
Web tools
- Content assist was not proposing custom tag attributes in JSPs.
This is now fixed.
- Variables declared by custom tags were not being recognized in
JSPs. This is now fixed.
- The problem that when nothing is selected in a selectOne
component, it will cause a validation error "Value is not valid" on
submit has been fixed.
- The problem that when
facesContext.getExternalContext().redirect() is called in an action
of JSR 168 Faces portlet IllegalStateException occurs has been
- The http-method declaration of web.xml files for the Servlet
2.2 and 2.3 specifications were restricted to valid HTTP 1.1
methods as defined by the Servlet 2.4 specification. Since the
values are less strictly defined by the 2.2, 2.3 DTDs, some
customers had existing applications that were dependent on other
protocols, such as WebDAV. The restriction was expanded to include
these WebDAV values. Additionally, SIP protocol values were added
in anticipation that existing customers may also be using those
values. Servlet 2.4 applications will continue to be restricted by
the XML Schema definition provided by the specification.
- In the Page Designer, changing alignment of the TABLE tag by
the Properties View sometimes generates a page with an error. In
XHTML pages, the align attribute of the DIV tag is invalid, but you
can add a DIV tag with an invalid align attribute into a page as a
parent of the TABLE tag by the Properties View. These problems have
been fixed.
- In the Page Designer, jsp:setProperty tag doesn't have a 'name'
attribute when the tag is inserted to a JSP page as a child node of
jsp:useBean tag by the Properties view. The jsp:setProperty tag
should have 'name' attribute of which value is the same as the
value of 'id' attribute of the parent jsp:useBean tag. The absence
of the 'name' attribute in the jsp:setProperty tag causes a compile
error in the JSP page. This problem has been fixed.
- The problem that incorrect IDs generated by JSF runtime for
nested data tables has been fixed.
- The problem where a tag library descriptor (.tld) file placed
in the WEB-INF folder of a web project would not be recognized by
the JSP compiler, links validator and source editor content assist
has been fixed.
- The following problem has been fixed: An input date field with
inputHelperAssist enabled and custom format set to a pattern that
does not include a separator between day, month and year, such as
ddMMMyyyy changes the year in the date entered to the current year
when focus moves off the field, for example entered value
would change to 01Jan2005
- The following problem has been fixed: A Data Grid containing a
Web Style pager had a problem where navigating back to a previous
page using a browser control (such as 'Back' button) would cause
unexpected results, for example, click page sequence 1,3,5 then
using back button to go back to page 1 and clicking an action
within the Data Grid would cause page 3 to be displayed when it
should stay at page 1.
- Validation
behavior of input field in Data Table is different from HTML table.
- When a
validation error occurs, the results displayed on the JSF input
text field is different for a string type when compared to an
integer type.
- Unable to
display Yen symbol as currencySymbol. [JR20835]
XML tools
- In the J2EE XML specifications, some constraints are required
to be enforced by vendors (opposed to being enforced by the
governing DTD or XSD). Some of these were disabled with the V6
release, and we are now re-instating the applicable validation. You
will not notice a change as this is required primarily by
certification testing for J2EE specification compliance.
- The problem in XML editor that a drag and drop operation
performed by holding the CTRL key may perform a move
operation instead of a copy operation has been fixed.
- When
validating a WSDL document there may be some spurious WS-I warnings or
errors that appear in the task view. These usually pertain to
authenticity of the types or QNames within the description. This fix
eliminates spurious messages such as these:
A wsdl:types element contained a data type definition that is not an
XML schema definition. An XML schema import element references
something other than an XML schema definition. A QName reference that
does not refer to a schema component, is using neither the target
namespace of this WSDL nor the target namespace of a directly imported
WSDL component. A QName reference that is referring to a schema
component, uses a namespace not defined in the targetNamespace
attribute on the xs:schema element, or in the namespace attribute on an
xs:import element within the xs:schema element. [JR20699]
Back to the table of contents.
2.0 Installation
For information about installing IBM Rational Web Developer
Version, refer to
2.1 Hardware
Refer to the installation instructions (install_dir\rwd_prod\install.html)
for the hardware
requirements for installing Rational
Web Developer.
Back to the table of contents.
2.2 Supported
Refer to the installation instructions (install_dir\rwd_prod\install.html)
for details on
software and specifications that are
supported by Rational Web Developer. For details on
software and specifications that are supported by a specific tool
in Rational Web Developer, refer to the online help.
Back to the table of contents.
2.3 Software co-requisites
Customers who both use local update sites and have more than one product installed must download the fix packs for all installed products to their local update site. fix packs for all installed products must be put on the local update site because there are dependencies among them. If you have multiple products installed and download only one fix pack and run the Rational Product Updater, the Updater will give you a warning when you search for updates that one of the required updates is missing. Again, this situation only applies to customers who use local update sites.
To simultaneously install the fix packs, download them to your local update site. Then install all fix packs at the same from the update site by using the Rational Product Updater.
For example, suppose you have both Rational Application Developer and Rational Software Modeler installed on your system. Because the fix packs for these products depend on each other, they must be installed at the same time. Download both fix packs to your local update site and run the Rational Product Updater to update your installation.
- Note that customers using the IBM Rational Agent Controller on other machines must install version of the Agent Controller individually on those machines to be compatible with this fix-pack. Further details and download instructions are available at Rational Product Updater will automatically update Agent Controller installations on this computer as part of the fix-pack installation.
Back to the table of contents.
3.0 Known
limitations, problems, and workarounds
Release notes cover release-specific information (such as
problems and limitations) that did not become available until after
the product documentation was finalized.
For information about known problems and workarounds in the
Eclipse base, refer to readme_eclipse.html located in the
install_dir\eclipse\readme directory (where
install_dir is your Rational Application Developer
installation directory). This information is only available in
3.0 Known
limitations, problems, and workarounds
Release notes cover release-specific information (such as
problems and limitations) that did not become available until after
the product documentation was finalized.
For information about known problems and workarounds in the
Eclipse base, refer to readme_eclipse.html located in the
install_dir\eclipse\readme directory (where
install_dir is your Rational Web Developer
installation directory). This information is only available in
Back to the table of contents.
3.1 Version 6.0
release notes
To view the updated version of the IBM Rational Web
Developer Version 6.0 readme file, go to this Web address:
The version 6.0 release notes have been updated to indicate what
has been fixed in the version release.
Back to the table of contents.
3.2 Version release notes
Language (EGL)
Host variables for Oracle database access
If your EGL program accesses an Oracle database and uses an OPEN
statement to open a result set, the SELECT clause of the OPEN statement
cannot use host variable names. If host variables names are specified,
no values are set in the corresponding element of the using clause of
the OPEN statement.
EGL Runtime Files
The runtime files that are mentioned in the "Installing the EGL
runtime code for Java" help topic should be downloaded from the V60
maintenance site instead of using the files that are shipped on the
product CDs. The runtime files are located in the file at
Download and unzip this file to a user-defined directory.
Compiling Jasper files (.jrxml) in EGL
EGL provides a builder that compiles JasperReport files each
time they are saved. If your EGL applications include report
handlers, make sure that Java SDK 1.3.1 (or a higher level) is on
your development machine, and that the SDK bin directory is listed
as part of the system PATH Environment Variable. (i.e.
C:\jdk1.3.1_14\bin). If you do not have the Java SDK installed, you
will get the following type of error when building a .jrxml file:
Error compiling report java source file
Migration issues
This interim fix includes several changes to previous EGL
syntax. If you have created EGL parts using Version 5.1.2 or
Version 6.0 of the product, you will probably see validation errors
for these parts after you install this interim fix. A simple
migration tool is provided to update the syntax in your source
files. See the EGL help documentation for more information on the
EGL V6.0 Migration tool.
You cannot use the EGL Debugger for programs that contain
reports or console user interfaces. Support for this function will
be provided in a future update.
EGL Auction Sample on Red Hat Linux
When importing the EGL Auction Sample on Red Hat Linux®,
the file
in the pagehandlers package may contain
an error. Attempts to open this file in Eclipse will result in the
following error: Editor could not be initialized
. This
occurs because a character in the file is invalid and must be
To workaround this problem, do the following:
- Open
, in the pagehandlers package, in
a text editor outside of Eclipse.
- On line 24 at offset 34, delete the character in place of the
apostrophe in the word "don't" or replace the character with an
- Save the file.
- In Rational Web Developer, right-click the Auction
project in the Project Explorer view and select Refresh. The
error will be gone from
the Problems view and you will be able to open
in the Eclipse editor.
Back to the table of contents.
4.0 About Eclipse
Eclipse is an open-source project that delivers a framework for
developing plug-ins that make it easier to create, integrate, and
use software tools. By collaborating and sharing core integration
technology, tool producers can concentrate on their areas of
expertise and the creation of new development technology. The
Eclipse platform is written in the Java language and comes with
extensive toolkits and examples for construction plug-ins. It has
already been deployed on a range of operating system environments
including Linux, Mac OS X, QNX, and Windows-based systems. Full
details of the Eclipse community and white papers documenting the
design of the Eclipse platform are available at
from other vendors, also built using the open-source Eclipse
platform, integrate with the Rational Developer environment to
provide additional value.
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5.0 Where to
find more information
- Installation, migration, and coexistence
- For information about installing Rational Web
Developer, refer to the Installation
Guide (install_dir\rwd_prod\install.html).
- For information about migrating applications to Rational
Web Developer or upgrading from previous releases, refer to
the Migration
Guide (install_dir\rwd_prod\migrate.html).
- Product news, updates, and fixes
- Technical articles and sample code
- Product documentation
- For general information about the product, click Help
> Welcome and then click the Overview icon.
- For more detailed information on how to use the features of
product, click Help > Help
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6.0 Contacting
customer support
The product home page for Rational Web Developer is
For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support
information, visit the
Support page on the product home page.
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7.0 Notices and
7.1 Notices
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7.3 Trademarks
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The following terms are trademarks of International Business
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- WebSphere
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