IBM Rational Application Developer Version J2EE Connector Tools Feature - Release notes

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Welcome to the IBM® Rational® Application Developer Version J2EE Connector feature, powered by Eclipse technology release 3.0.1.

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Table of contents

1.0 About this release
2.0 Installation information
2.1 Hardware requirements
2.2 Supported software
2.2.1 WebSphere® Application Server
2.2.2 Resource Adapters
2.2.3 IMS
3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
3.1 Limitations
3.1.1 IMSTM Connector for JavaTM TCP/IP and Local Option Connections
3.1.2 IMS Connector for Java MFS Support and the J2C Update to Rational Application Developer
3.1.3 Multiple Resource Adapters installed on the same runtime server instance
3.2 Known problems and workarounds
3.2.1 Deployment of J2C implementation bean as Session EJB, with data binding classes coming from utility jar
3.2.2 Deployment time exception
3.2.3 ConnectionSpec Changes cannot be done through J2C wizards
3.2.4 Undelivered output cannot be retrieved using IMS Connector for Java application
3.2.5 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS® servant region may restart if IMS Connector for Java executionTimeout property is "wait forever"
3.2.6 IMS Connector for Java properties purgeAsyncOutput and reRoute are ignored for dedicated persistent socket connections
4.0 Documentation updates
5.0 Contacting customer support
6.0 About Eclipse
7.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 About this release

The J2EE Connector (J2C) Architecture tools allow you to create J2EE applications that integrate and extend operations and data on their existing Enterprise Information Systems (EIS).

Benefits of using the J2C tools to access EIS systems include:

Shorter development time
The J2C wizard creates code for the targeted EIS using the appropriate managed connection factory.
Access your EIS through standards-compliant J2C infrastructure (for example, resource adapters and Common Client Interface).
Quick and direct creation of Java beans. Each method corresponds to an EIS operation. With the created Java beans, you can take advantage of the rest of the Rational Application Developer capabilities to develop Web pages, Web services, and EJBs.

The J2C tools consist of the following major components:

Java bean editing

Once you have installed the J2C feature, you can access the tutorials by clicking Help > Tutorials Gallery > Do and Learn from the main menu. Tutorials include:

For more information about the J2C tools, refer to the online help documentation by clicking Help > Help Contents then expanding Developing enterprise applications > Connecting to enterprise information systems.

2.0 Installation information

For information about installing the Rational Application Developer J2C feature, refer to

2.1 Hardware requirements

Refer to the installation instructions for the hardware requirements for installing the Rational Application Developer J2C feature.

2.2 Supported software

If you develop an application using the J2C tools in Rational Application Developer and run it on WebSphere Application Server Version 5, ensure that you have the required maintenance applied to WebSphere Application Server Version 5. Refer to Section 2.2.1 WebSphere Application Server for details.

Refer to the installation instructions for more details on software and specifications that are supported by the Rational Application Developer J2C feature.

For details on software and specifications that are supported by a specific tool in Rational Application Developer, refer to the online help.

You must have IBM Rational Application Developer Version installed before installing this feature.

2.2.1 WebSphere Application Server

WebSphere V5.0 and WebSphere V5.1 support J2C 1.0. The WebSphere Application Server service levels required to use the J2EE Connector Tools are listed in the table below. The Legacy Test Environments available with Rational Application Developer V6.0 require the service listed under WAS Distributed Service Level Required column in the table. WebSphere Application Server cumulative fixes, for example WAS, are available from the WebSphere Application Server support site ( The Integration Edition RunTime Fixes for 5.0 and 5.1 are available from WebSphere Application Server for z/OS PTFs are available from the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS support site /

WebSphere Application Server WAS Distributed Service Level Required WAS for z/OS Service Level Required
  • Cumulative Fix
  • Integration Edition RunTime Fixes for 5.0
W502023 (PTF UK00329)
Integration Edition RunTime Fixes for 5.1
W510205 (PTF UK0028)

WebSphere V6 supports J2C 1.5 applications.

2.2.2 Resource Adapters

The following resource adapters are supported in the J2C Tools:

2.2.3 IMS

The following classes are deprecated in IMS Connector for Java Version and IMS Connector for Java Version

3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds

Release notes cover release-specific information (such as problems and limitations) that did not become available until after the product documentation was finalized.

For information about known problems and workarounds in the Eclipse base, refer to readme_eclipse.html located in the eclipse\readme subdirectory of the product installation directory. This information is only available in English.

3.1 Limitations

3.1.1 IMS Connector for Java TCP/IP and Local Option Connections
3.1.2 IMS Connector for Java MFS Support and the J2C Update to Rational Application Developer
3.1.3 Multiple Resource Adapters installed on the same runtime server instance

3.1.1 IMS Connector for Java TCP/IP and Local Option Connections
3.1.2 IMS Connector for Java MFS Support and the J2C Update to Rational Application Developer
The J2C tools provided with Rational Application Developer currently do not include wizards to generate Java data bindings from MFS source. However, enterprise applications created from MFS source using WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition can still be run on WebSphere Application Server V6. For information on how to do this, refer to the technote entitled "Migrating MFS-based IMS applications to run on WebSphere Application Server 6.0" on the IMS MFS Web Support page (
3.1.3 Multiple Resource Adapters installed on the same runtime server instance
Multiple standalone versions of the same EIS resource adapter should not be installed in WAS, especially if they are for the same EIS type. For example, if you install both a CICS ECI 5.1 and CICS ECI 6.0, there may be a conflict. This is because all standalone resource adapters share the same class loader.

3.2 Known problems and workarounds

3.2.1 Deployment of J2C implementation bean as Session EJB, with data binding classes coming from utility jar
3.2.2 Deployment time exception
3.2.3 ConnectionSpec Changes cannot be done through J2C wizards
3.2.4 Undelivered output cannot be retrieved using IMS Connector for Java application
3.2.5 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS servant region may restart if IMS Connector for Java executionTimeout property is "wait forever"
3.2.6 IMS Connector for Java properties purgeAsyncOutput and reRoute are ignored for dedicated persistent socket connections

3.2.1 Deployment of J2C implementation bean as Session EJB, with data binding classes coming from utility jar
When a J2C implementation bean, generated using the J2C Tools, uses data binding types that reside in separate Java Projects in the workspace (which is equivalent to runtime dependency on EAR scoped utility JAR), the MANIFEST.MF file for the EJB project is not automatically updated to reflect such dependency. To avoid runtime errors, users should manually update "Class-Path" attribute in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file of the EJB project to include EAR scoped utility JARs where data binding types are located. This should be done before the EJB project is deployed to the runtime server.
3.2.2 Deployment time exception
During the creation of Web pages, EJBs or Web Services, you may notice an exception in the WAS V6 server console. This does not affect normal operation of the server or J2C bean. This problem has been fixed in WebSphere Application Server version 6.0.1 available from

[2/21/05 18:55:49:781 EST] 00000017 SystemErr R java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( Code)) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( Code)) at at at at at at at at at at$400( at$ at Code)) at at at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor23.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( Code)) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( Code)) at at at at at at$ Code)) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at at ... 28 more

3.2.3 ConnectionSpec Changes cannot be done through J2C wizards
The J2C Wizard does not provide any UI support for users to make changes to ConnectionSpec. Users have to change it directly in the generated implementation Java code. What they need to do is to open up the generated implementation Java file in an editor, navigate to the method that they need to modify and then change/add/remove the doclets for that method.
3.2.4 Undelivered output cannot be retrieved using IMS Connector for Java application
In order to allow retrieval of undelivered output on shareable persistent socket connections using SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT interactions in the same application, IMS Connector for Java allows a value of FALSE for both the purgeAsyncOutput property and the reRoute property of IMSInteractionSpec. If, however, the SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT interaction does not successfully retrieve the output in the application that queued the output, the undelivered output will remain queued on the OTMA TPIPE whose name is that of the shareable persistent socket connection. This output cannot be retrieved using an IMS Connector for Java application, hence care must be used when setting both purgeAsyncOutput and reRoute to FALSE.
3.2.5 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS servant region may restart if IMS Connector for Java executionTimeout property is "wait forever"
In WebSphere Application Server for z/OS application work dispatched into servant regions, is, by default, timed. In general, when an application in dispatch reaches its timeout, the servant region where it is dispatched is abended and then restarted. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you do not use the value -1 ("wait forever") for executionTimeout when your application is running in WebSphere Application Server for z/OS.
3.2.6 IMS Connector for Java properties purgeAsyncOutput and reRoute are ignored for dedicated persistent socket connections
The IMSInteractionSpec properties purgeAsyncOutput and reRoute are not applicable for interactions on dedicated persistent socket connections. You cannot purge or reroute undelivered output messages on a dedicated persistent socket connection. If, however, you perform an interaction on a dedicated persistent socket connection and provide values for purgeAsyncOutput and reRoute, the values will be ignored by IMS Connector for Java. Your Java application will not receive an exception.

4.0 Documentation updates

Both the product home page and IBM developerWorks have Library sections that provide updates to tutorial documents and other documentation.

The IBM Rational  zone at offers technical articles, "how to" information, tutorials, samples, and previews of new technology.

5.0 Contacting customer support

The product home page for Rational Application Developer is For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the Support page on the product home page.

6.0 About Eclipse

Eclipse is an open-source project that delivers a framework for developing plug-ins that make it easier to create, integrate, and use software tools. By collaborating and sharing core integration technology, tool producers can concentrate on their areas of expertise and the creation of new development technology. The Eclipse platform is written in the Java language and comes with extensive toolkits and examples for construction plug-ins. It has already been deployed on a range of operating system environments including Linux®, Mac OS X, QNX, and Windows®-based systems. Full details of the Eclipse community and white papers documenting the design of the Eclipse platform are available at

Plug-in tools from other vendors, also built using the open-source Eclipse platform, integrate with the Rational Developer environment to provide additional value.

7.0 Notices and trademarks

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