Both the AnthillPro server and agent are installed within a root directory, so under most circumstances simply deleting them from the file system is sufficient. The only exception is if the server or agent is installed as a service -- in this case it is necessary to remove the service (see here for the server and here for the agent) prior to deleting the server or agent from the file system.
If the server is not installed as a service, uninstall AnthillPro by deleting it from the file system after stopping the server. If the agent is installed as a Windows Service, you will need to remove the service before removing the agent from the file system (see below).
To uninstall the server:
Shutdown the server.
Delete the server from the file system.
To uninstall the server running as a Windows Service:
Shutdown the server and stop the service.
Open the Administrative Command Prompt. Note that you will not be able to remove the service unless you are running as the Windows administrator. For example, run:
runas /noprofile /user:mymachine\administrator
and then enter the password when prompted. Please consult the Windows documentation if you are having trouble running as the administrator.
Go to %SERVER_HOME%\bin\service
on the file system
where the server is installed.
With the Administrative Command Prompt pointing to the server's
directory, run:
ah3server remove <<uniquename>>
Ensure that you replace the value uniquename with the actual name used to install the server as a service.
Verify that the service has been removed.
Once the service has been removed, you can delete the server from the file system.
Once the server is deleted, it is also a good idea to uninstall all the agents that were connected to it (see Uninstall the Agent).
Uninstalling the agent is similar to that of the server -- it simply needs to be removed from the file system. However, if the agent is installed as a Windows Service, you will need to remove the service before removing the agent from the file system (see below).
To uninstall an agent:
Shutdown the agent.
Remove all references to the agent from the AnthillPro UI. For example:
Fixed Agent Filters
Fixed Agents on Quiet Period
Any Build Lives that reference the agent
Any scripts of properties that reference the agent
If you do not remove every reference, any build, etc., that references the removed agent will most likely fail.
Ignore the agent in the UI.
Delete the ignored agent.
Delete the agent from the file system.
To uninstall an agent running as a Windows Service:
Shutdown the agent and stop the service.
Remove all references to the agent from the AnthillPro UI. For example:
Fixed Agent Filters
Fixed Agents on Quiet Period
Any Build Lives that reference the agent
Any scripts of properties that reference the agent
If you do not remove every reference, any build, etc., that references the removed agent will most likely fail.
Ignore the agent in the UI.
Delete the ignored agent.
Open the Administrative Command Prompt. Note that you will not be able to remove the service unless you are running as the Windows administrator. For example, run:
runas /noprofile /user:mymachine\administrator
and then enter the password when prompted. Please consult the Windows documentation if you are having trouble running as the administrator.
Go to %AGENT_HOME%\bin\service
on the file system
where the agent is installed.
With the Administrative Command Prompt pointing to the agent's
directory, run:
ah3agent remove <<uniquename>>
Ensure that you replace the value uniquename with the actual name used to install the agent as a service.
Verify that the service has been removed.
Once the service has been removed, you can delete the agent from the file system.