Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices.
This edition applies to version 6.0.1 of IBM Rational EGL COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries (part number 5724-N92) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
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Before you install IBM(R) Rational(R) COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries(R), your system must meet the requirements listed in this section.
Your system must meet the software requirements described in this section before you install Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries.
Before you install this product, you must install one of the following software items:
Note that to install version 6.0.1 (or later) of Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect, you must first install version 6.0 of the product and then update the product to version 6.0.1 or later using the update tool, Rational Product Updater. Refer to Installing updates.
If you did not install the EGL optional feature when you installed Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect, then you must install this feature before you install Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries. Refer to Installing the EGL feature.
If you updated Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect to version 6.0.1 or later before installing the EGL feature, then you need to update the EGL feature as well. Refer to Updating the EGL feature.
For information on the software requirements for installing Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect, refer to the installation guide for the corresponding product.
Note that when you install Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries, it shares the common development environment of Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect. (The IBM Rational Software Development Platform is installed only once.) Rational Application Developer and Rational Software Architect have the same user interface, called a workbench. When you install Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries, functionality is added to the workbench by contributing plug-ins. A plug-in is a software module that adds function to an existing program or application.
Disk space requirements:
Other hardware requirements are the same as those for Rational Application Developer and Rational Software Architect. Refer to the installation guide for the corresponding product.
You must have a user ID that meets the following requirements before you install Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries:
Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries cannot coexist with the following software installed on the same machine:
If either of these products is already installed on your system, you will not be able to install Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries.
Also, it is recommended that you uninstall Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries if you choose to install either WebSphere Development Studio Client Advanced Edition for iSeries or WebSphere Developer for zSeries onto the same system. Installing either WebSphere Development Studio Client Advanced Edition for iSeries or WebSphere Developer for zSeries onto the same system onto the same system as Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries is not supported.
You will need the IBM Rational COBOL Runtime for zSeries (5655-R29) for runtime library execution on the zSeries machine. You must purchase this product (which is not available through Passport Advantage(R)) separately from the IBM Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries. For information about customizing and administering the Rational COBOL Runtime for zSeries see IBM Rational COBOL Runtime Guide for zSeries. You will find a PDF version of this document in the IBM Publications Center at It is also available from IBM developerWorks(R) at
Before you install the product, check the following things:
You can install the product from the CD, from an electronic image that has been downloaded and extracted on your local machine, or from an electronic image located on a shared drive.
For instructions on downloading and creating an electronic image, refer to Creating an electronic installation image.
For instructions on creating an installation image on a shared drive, refer to Creating an installation image on a shared drive.
The installation program can also be run in an interactive console mode, which may be better suited for persons with accessibility requirements. The -accessibility option makes the runtime console mode wizard easier to use with screen reader programs. To run in console mode, change to the \disk1 directory of the installation image and type the following command on one line:
Note that the -is:javaconsole option is critical when specifying the -accessibility option. If you do not specify this option the installation program will hang. The -log @NONE option turns logging off to eliminate log information being listed in the console window. If you experience any problem during the install, you may want to eliminate this option in order to collect log information.
To install Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries, follow these steps:
If you are installing from
an installation image on a shared drive on your network, you must locally
map the drive by specifying a device name (for example, x:\sharename). If
you map to a network drive without specifying a device name (for example,
\\computername\sharename), you may get the following error message when you
try to install Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries and the installation will not complete:
The wizard cannot continue because of the following error: could not load wizard specified in /wizard.inf(104)
chmod +x setup
The disk space requirement shown is the total number of bytes needed
for all the files. The actual disk space needed can be considerably greater.
In particular, if your disk is formatted as FAT32, the many small files can
use disk space inefficiently due to the disk blocking structure that FAT32
To create an electronic installation image from downloaded files:
You can place a copy of the installation image on a shared drive so that users can install across a network.
In order to run the installation program from a shared drive, you must either work with a downloaded electronic image of Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries or copy the contents of the product CD as described below. For information on creating an electronic image, refer to Creating an electronic installation image.
You need approximately 75 MB of disk space on a Windows system and 125 MB of disk space on a Linux system to store the content of the CD. To copy the files from the CD:
The Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries installation program can be run silently if you do not want to interact with the installation wizard.
To install Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries silently:
You can also install silently to a directory other than the default location by using a response file. For more information, see Silently installing using a response file.
For silent installation, you can use a response file to specify the installation settings prior to running the installation program. The response file for IBM Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries is called responsefile.txt and it is located in the \disk1\util directory of the installation CD or the directory where you stored the electronic installation image.
To silently install using a response file, create a response file and then invoke the installation program in silent mode using the response file option.
To create a response file:
To invoke the installation program silently using the response file that you created, follow all the instructions given already in the section Invoking silent installation but start the installation program using the following command:
where my response file is the name of your saved response file.
The EGL feature in Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect is a prerequisite to installing Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries.
The following steps will guide you through the process of installing the EGL feature from a CD of Rational Application Developer V6.0 or Rational Software Architect V6.0. For additional information, refer to the installation guide for Rational Application Developer V6.0 or Rational Software Architect V6.0.
The following steps will guide you through the process of updating the EGL feature if you installed it after you updated Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect to version 6.0.1 or later. If you installed the EGL feature before you updated Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect to version 6.0.1 or later, then you do not need to update the EGL feature.
Uninstalling Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries does not uninstall Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect.
Note that if you uninstall Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect, then Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries is not automatically uninstalled. However, Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries will not be functional if Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect has been uninstalled.
To uninstall Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries:
Tip: If you are working in a file manager, you can click on the file to launch the uninstaller.
Note that your workspace directory, which contains your work, is not deleted.
To uninstall Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries silently:
To confirm the results of uninstalling the product, refer to the file uninstall_log.txt.
Rational Product Updater is a tool that searches for and installs product updates and optional new features for Rational software products from the IBM update site.
Rational Product Updater is installed automatically when you install Rational Application Developer or Rational Software Architect. You can search for and install the following kinds of updates:
Any dependencies between updates are automatically enforced. Rational Product Updater will also update itself.
Rational Product Updater also enables you to perform these tasks:
To launch Rational Product Updater, run the following command:
Refer to the help system in Rational Product Updater for information on using the tool. To access the help, select Help > Help Contents in Rational Product Updater.
Use Rational Product Updater to update Rational Application Developer version 6.0 or Rational Software Architect version 6.0 to version 6.0.1 or later. This is a software prerequisite for installing Rational COBOL Generation Extension for zSeries.
For more information on installing the version 6.0.1 refresh pack or later updates, refer to the installation instructions provided with the update.
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