ZipPrint Tutorial

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Topic Topic 18 - NoteView: Setting the Bottom String parameter

The Bottom String parameter is a word or phrase whose content and placement enable ZipPrint to identify the last page of the document

The requirements of the Bottom String are that:

Many 3270 Display applications display a particular string on the last page of a document. The note viewer displays the string E N D O F N O T E at column 31 of some row on the last page. (There are 2 spaces after the D and after the F). The row varies depending on the number of lines of text on the last page. Click here to view a page from a sample note with this Bottom String highlighted.

Therefore you would enter the values -1, 31, and E N D O F N O T E in the input fields of the Bottom String parameter of the Customize Application Profile window, as shown below. The -1 in the row field indicates that the string can occur in any row of the last page.

Application profile with Bottom String
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