
General client help

Menu items on the client session menus:

Client keypad:

Client toolbar:

Menu name Menu items Description
File Jump Next Changes the user input focus to the next active session, if any. For more information see Jump to next session.
Run Same Starts another instance of the current session.
Print Screen Setup (Java 2 only) Displays the setup panel for print screen.
The Alternate Terminal user interface does not have this menu selection. For more information see Print Screen Setup.
Print Screen Prints a copy of the screen to the current print destination. For more information see Print Screen Setup.
Print Preview Displays a panel showing how the printed output will appear. Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection.
Print From Application - Auto Easy automatic print of 3270 document.
Print From Application - Select Profile Easy automatic print of 3270 document, select custom profile for document type.
Print Screen Print session panel contents using print parameters and page parameters.
Customize Profiles Create custom profile for document type.
Printer Setup Change printer options.
Page Setup Change page options.
For more information see ZipPrint. The Alternate Terminal user interface does not have this menu selection.
Save and Exit Saves the current session information and closes the session.
Edit Cut Copies the currently selected text area to the system clipboard and deletes the text from the screen. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Copy Copies the currently selected text area to the system clipboard. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Copy All Copies the text in the entire session window area to the system clipboard.
Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Copy Append Copies the currently selected text area to the system clipboard, appending it to the text in the clipboard rather than replacing the text in the clipboard. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Copy as Table Preserves a table format in copying text to the system clipboard, by inserting a tab character between each column of text and by adding a newline character to the end of each line of text. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Paste Copies the text that is currently in the system clipboard to the screen, beginning at the position marked by the text cursor on the screen. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Paste Next If Line Wrap is enabled, pastes the remainder of the text in the system clipboard to the screen. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Clear Fields Fills all unprotected fields on the screen with blanks. Protected fields are not affected.
Mark Allows you to mark an rectangular area for cutting or copying to the system clipboard.
Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Unmark Erases the current marking rectangle. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Select All Selects the entire text area of the screen. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Edit > Preferences Font Allows you to select a font style and font size for the text in the session window. Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection. For more information see Select Font (Alternate Terminal).
Color Allows you to set the foreground and background colors for text in various types of fields in the session window. If you are not using the Alternate Terminal user interface, for more information see Changing the current host session colors. If you are using the Alternate Terminal user interface, for more information see Set Screen Colors (Alternate Terminal).
Display Allows use to change settings for a blinking cursor and blinking text.
The Alternate Terminal user interface does not have this menu selection. For more information see Setting the Display attributes.
Keyboard Allows you to assign key combinations to various functions. For more information see Remapping the keyboard.
URLs Allows you to change settings for URLs. For more information see Help for displaying URLs.
Numeric Field Lock When enabled, allows only the following characters into numeric fields: 0 through 9, -, +, comma, and period. For more information see Numeric Field Lock.
File Transfer Defaults Allows you to make default settings for File Transfer. For more information see General options.
Edit Allows you to change settings affecting cut, copy, and paste. For more information see Cut, Copy, Paste, and Entry Assist in the client window.
Confirm on Exit When enabled, causes the session window to display a cautionary prompt to the user when the user clicks File > Save and exit. For more information see Confirm On Exit.
Toolbar Allows you to customize, load, and save toolbar objects. For more information see Customize Toolbar.
View Toolbar Shows or hides the toolbar.
Toolbar text Shows or hides the toolbar text.
Textual OIA When enabled, causes the Operator Information Area to be displayed using text messages rather than symbols.
The Alternate Terminal user interface does not have this menu selection.
Keypad Shows or hides the keypad.
Status bar Shows or hides the status bar. For more information see View status bar history.
Macro Manager Shows or hides the Macro Manager toolbar. For more information see Using the Macro Manager.
Show Hotspots Causes many keyboard functions to appear as hotspots. By clicking on a hotspot, you can perform the same operation as pressing the corresponding function key on the keyboard. For more information see Show Hotspots (Alternate Terminal). Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection.
Show Menu Buttons When enabled, displays menu options on the screen as menu buttons. You select a menu option by clicking the corresponding menu button.
Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection. For more information see Show Menu Buttons (Alternate Terminal).
Light Pen Mode Switches on and off light pen mode, in which the mouse can be used to perform light pen functions. For more information see Using a light pen.
Menu Buttons Allows you to change the view of menu button.
Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection. For more information see Customizing buttons (Alternate Terminal).
Valid-Value Buttons Allows you to change the view of valid-values buttons.
Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection. For more information see Customizing buttons (Alternate Terminal).
Web-Link Buttons Allows you to change the view of web-link buttons.
Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection. For more information see Customizing buttons (Alternate Terminal).
Image Buttons Allows you to change the view of image buttons.
Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection. For more information see Customizing buttons (Alternate Terminal).
Communication Connect Starts a session with the host.
Disconnect Ends a session with the host.
Security Displays a panel showing whether the session is secure and which certificates are available. For more information see Viewing or saving client certificate information.
Actions Transfer Files Displays a panel for transferring files between the workstation and the host. For more information see Transferring files.
File Transfer Defaults Displays a panel for setting file transfer defaults. For more information see Setting file transfer default options.
Play Macro Plays the currently selected macro. For more information see Playing a macro.
Stop Macro Stops recording or playing the current macro. For more information see Recording a macro.
Pause Macro Pauses or resumes the currently recording or playing macro.
Record Macro Starts recording a new macro. For more information see Recording a macro.
Refresh Updates the screen to reflect the latest information sent by the host. Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection.
Run Applet Displays the Run Applet window, which allows you to load and run a user-defined applet. For more information see Run applet.
Help What is it? Displays a description of the field in which the cursor lies. Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection.
Valid Values Displays valid values for the field in which the cursor lies. Only the Alternate Terminal user interface has this menu selection.
InfoCenter Starts the InfoCenter application, which allows you to access the Host On-Demand documentation that resides on the server.
Support Starts an Internet browser which connects you to the IBM WebSphere Host On-Demand support page.
About Host On-Demand Displays version and other information about Host On-Demand.
(Sends function key commands to the host.)
PF1-thru-PF24, Enter, Reset, Clear, Fld+, Fld-, PgUp, PgDn, Fld, FldExt, Attn, SysReq Host-defined function keys.
Insert Allows you to work in input mode.
New Line Puts the cursor in the nearest input field starting from the new line
ErsInp Erases all input from the screen.
ErsFld Erases all input from the current field.
ErsEOF Erases all input from the cursor location to the end of the field.
Delete Deletes the character that lies immediately after the cursor.
NewPad Moves to the second keypad row.
FrstInp Moves the cursor to the first input field on the screen.
Main Toolbar Toolbar icons Shortcut buttons for frequently used menu options.