IBM® Rational® Rational Suite® Release Notes
Version 2003.06.00
May 2003
Part Number: 800-026297-000
Copyright © 2003 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This documentation (the "Work") is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and/or other jurisdictions, as well as various international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of the Work is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of IBM Corporation.
The complete listing of Rational Legal Notices is automatically installed with Rational Suite in C:\Program Files\Rational\doc\legal_information.html. Optionally, the Legal Notices can be found on the Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROM at \doc\legal_information.html.
Thank you for choosing a Rational Suite® product!
These release notes provide information critical to installing and using Rational products, including the list of supported platforms and known issues with this release.
These release notes are for the following Rational Suite products:
- Rational Suite Enterprise
- Rational Suite AnalystStudio
- Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio
- Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio-RealTime Edition
- Rational Suite TestStudio
- Rational Team Unifying Platform
For detailed information about individual products, see the product-specific release notes located on the Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROM in the \doc folder. These release notes are installed by default in C:\Program Files\Rational\doc\.
This release contains new features for the products in Rational Suite. The release notes for the products in each Rational Suite edition describe the new features for each product. See <Install Path>\doc\rs-release-notes.htm for a link to release notes for each Rational Suite product. Note that if you customized the documentation installation for your Rational Suite product, this link will not work. The file that links you to point-product release notes is also available by clicking Start > Programs > Rational Software > Readme for all products.
What's New in This Release
New and Changed Features
Product Documentation
Installation Guides
Hardware and Software Information
Client Requirements
Server Requirements
Installation, Upgrading, and Licensing
Installation Information
Compatibility Issues
With Rational Products
With Third-Party Products
Restrictions and Guidelines on Using Rational Suite
Known Issues and Change Requests
Documentation Updates
Defects and Limitations
Contacting Rational Customer Support
Rational Customer Support for Licensing
What's New in This Release
This document includes information about Version 2003.06.00. Detailed information about the current service release is available here.
This section contains information about new and updated features for products and components included in Rational Suite version 2003.06.00.
Note: The content in this section includes new and changed features implemented after Rational Suite version 2002.05.20. If you are upgrading from a release that is earlier than Rational Suite version 2002.05.20, review the new and changed features from previous releases at:
New and Changed Features
The new and changed features in Rational Suite v. 2003.06.00 are listed in alphabetical order by product or component.
Rational Suite uses the Microsoft Windows Installer technology that provides new capabilities including:
- Support for silent installs.
- Support for pre configured network release areas so Rational product installs can automate client installations with site specific defaults.
- Support for uninstalling Rational products from a Suite without uninstalling the entire Suite.
Rational Administrator
The Rational Administrator now supports:
- Moving a Rational Project
You can now safely relocate a non-UCM enabled Rational project and all related artifacts. See the Rational Suite Administrator's Guide for details.
- "View" refresh.
- Test Datastore Doctor.
The Rational Administrator no longer supports Windows 98 or Windows ME.
Rational Download Manager
Rational Download Manager is a software download tool designed to improve the ability to obtain Rational software. It:
- Speeds downloads by opening multiple concurrent connections to the Rational server.
- Monitors the connections and, when a connection is lost, automatically tries to reconnect and resume where the download left off.
- Supports proxy server configurations.
- Supports scheduling of downloads up to several months in advance.
- Can be set to run whenever Windows starts.
- Allows you to pause and resume downloads without having to start over.
For more information about Rational Download Manager, go to
Rational ClearCase LT
Rational ClearCase LT has been enhanced in v. 2003.06.00 to include the following:
ClearCase LT
- New heterogeneous user interfaces for the integration between base ClearCase LT and ClearQuest
- Existing Perl distribution is replaced with ActiveState's v5.6.1
Unified Change Management
- Single Stream UCM support - Designed for projects on which all developers will operate out of a single stream.
- Read Only Streams - This is a lighter-weight stream object with no associated ClearCase LT branch that underlies it. Its purpose is for creating a configuration to do quick builds, and to provide a flexible workspace that may have its configuration changed more freely. Read-only streams do not allow modifications to components.
- UCM performance improvements for the deliver command and other UCM operations.
- Completely new Visual Studio .NET integration that integrates ClearCase, ClearCase LT and ClearQuest operations directly into the VS .NET shell. Developers can now query and submit defects, and perform version control operations using Base or UCM process without leaving the VS .NET shell.
- Updated integration support for WebSphere Studio Tool Family 5.0 (Eclipse 2.0).
- New or enhanced integration support for Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel, PowerBuilder 9.0, JBuilder 8.0 and Forte for Java 3.0.
Rational ClearQuest
Rational ClearQuest now includes:
- Internet Smart Text, wherein all text fields in the Rational ClearQuest client display hypertext (any string starting with http:, file:, ftp:, etc.) as a hyperlink.
- Rational E-mail Reader can be invoked as a service upon installation and run in the background.
- The User Administration Module is available as a standalone application.
- CLOB support for Oracle.
- UCM enhancements with Hook Server.
- SQL Anywhere 8.0 is available as an embedded database.
- ClearQuest E-mail Reader is now a service that picks up mail and places it in the database.
- The ClearQuest tutorial is now available in HTML format.
ClearQuest Configuration
- "Getting Started Wizard" supports ClearQuest/Windows configuration.
- The version of Perl distributed with this product has been upgraded to 5.61 on all platforms. For backwards compatibility, version 5.001 is distributed on Windows.
ClearQuest Data Code Page Setting
ClearQuest introduces the ClearQuest data code page. This setting controls the set of characters, based on code pages, that a client can enter into a ClearQuest database. This value must be explicitly set by a ClearQuest administrator. If it is not set, ClearQuest defaults to the most restrictive setting, ASCII characters only. Review the documentation about the ClearQuest data code page in the ClearQuest Administrator's Guide for information about the ClearQuest data code page, including instructions on how to set it, and what it means for your ClearQuest environment.
Rational Developer Network
The Rational Developer Network extends the reach of the development team with the expertise of an online community, providing useful information as well as an exchange of ideas and best practices. Content on the site has been edited for quality and relevance, and organized into technology and process containers for ease of use. These resources, plus Web-based training help individual team members to expand their professional skills and stay ahead of the technology curve. Use the site to:
- Learn about new tools and methodologies.
- Increase your proficiency on existing solutions.
- Find tips on handling changes in project definition or technology.
New Knowledge Centers and Content
- New Product Knowledge Centers for XDE and PurifyPlus. These knowledge centers have all the information you need to get up and running, become an expert, and adapt to product changes as they come along.
- New Technology Knowledge Centers for .NET, J2EE, embedded development, and IBM. These technology centers show you how to apply the Rational tools to the problems presented by each of these technologies.
- Since the release of Rational Suite version 2002.05.00, the number of articles, downloads, Web-based training courses, and discussion forums has doubled.
New Materials to Help You Get Started with Rational Tools
- Most Rational tools now have a Getting Started Guide in the Rational Developer Network. These Guides collect helpful Rational material from the Rational Developer Network,, Rational University, Rational Support.
- The Rational Developer Network now offers Getting Started Web-based training courses. These new courses focus on getting users started with a Rational tool within one hour. You can find these courses in the Course Catalog section of the Rational Developer Network.
Consolidated Member Account Information with
Rational has consolidated member information for our Web sites. This allows you to to use a single Member ID for access to:
- Our corporate Web site at:
- The Rational Developer Network at
Rational ProjectConsole
Rational ProjectConsole now includes:
- Ability to collect and report on metrics from Rational XDE version 2003.06.00, when available.
- Collect, trend and report against MS Project 2002.
- Redesigned artifact-based report templates.
- New artifact and metrics report templates for TestManager and cross-product metrics.
- Improved Administration features so ProjectConsole Administrators can:
- Save time configuring the Web site.
- Manage the navigation tree directly from the main page.
- Set up group-based access to reporting.
- Create user groups and manage the users they assign to each group.
- Create nested folders and copy and paste folders and their contents within the navigation tree.
- Project Web site personalization so non-administrator users can copy selected artifact and metrics reports to a personal workspace.
- Improved documentation.
Rational QualityArchitect
See the Rational QualityArchitect Release Notes.
Rational RequisitePro and Rational RequisiteWeb
Enhanced Rational XDE Integration
The Rational RequisitePro-XDE Integration lets you combine the use-case modeling and application design capabilities of XDE with requirements management capabilities in RequisitePro.
You can define your use cases by integrating Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams in XDE and Microsoft Word documents in RequisitePro. You can assign attributes and traceability to your use cases in order to manage your use cases in the context of the requirements. In addition, you can trace your requirements in RequisitePro to your design in XDE in order to better understand the impact that requirement change will have on your design.
The use-case modeling capabilities of this integration are similar to those of Integrated Use Case Management, which integrates RequisitePro and Rational Rose. You can migrate use-case associations in a Rose model when you upgrade the model to an XDE model.
To use this integration, you must install both RequisitePro and XDE on your system.
For more information, see the Rational RequisitePro-XDE Integration Help topic Configuring XDE Models for the Integration.
Simplified Configuration for RequisitePro and ClearQuest Integration
Configuring the integration between RequisitePro and ClearQuest has never been easier. A wizard guides you through the setup enabling you to complete your configuration in minutes. You can also use the wizard to test and repair existing integrations. The integration allows you to associate enhancement requests, defects, and other ClearQuest records with RequisitePro requirements.
The wizard replaces the ASCQISetup.bat and ASCQISetup.exe files used to configure the integration in earlier versions of Rational Software. If you have an existing integration, you can continue to use ASCQISetup.bat and ASCQISetup.exe to modify the integration, or you can use the RequisitePro-ClearQuest Integration Wizard to make changes.
Oracle and SQL Server Setup Documentation Installed by Default
When you install RequisitePro, the following files are automatically installed in the <install drive>\Rational\RequisitePro\help directory:
Simplified Configuration of RequisiteWeb
Configuring your Web server for RequisiteWeb is now fast and easy, requiring just five steps:
- Install the application.
- Specify your username.
- Configure SSL (optional).
- Restart the machine.
- Add your projects to the project list.
We offer the option of customizing the RequisiteWeb Login Page to accommodate your company's needs.
Document Authoring in RequisiteWeb
In Rational RequisiteWeb, you can now create, modify, and delete documents. When you create a document, RequisiteWeb references the new document in the project database. In RequisiteWeb, you can take a document offline and modify its content in Microsoft Word, just as you can with RequisitePro.
RequisiteWeb Traceability Matrix
The Traceability Matrix provides an additional way to manage traceability, complementing the Attribute Matrix and Traceability Tree views that are already available in RequisiteWeb. The Traceability Matrix view presents the relationships between requirements of the same or different types. Use this matrix to view indirect relationships and suspect relationships. You can filter and sort the requirements that are displayed.
Enhanced Project Templates
The project templates available in RequisitePro contain updated structure and requirement attributes to help you be more productive in a shorter amount of time.
Enhanced Learning Projects
The sample projects included with RequisitePro contain enhanced examples to help you learn how to author use cases.
Rational Robot
Rational Robot now includes:
Rational Rose
This release of Rational Rose includes these new features and enhancements:
- Enhanced Pattern Content, by adding patterns for:
- ActiveX Support
- Ensemble Glider for Rational Rose
- Glider is a tool that allows you to code, compile and debug J2EE applications before deploying to an application server. You can focus on writing and testing your business logic, eliminating the overhead associated with developing on a full application server. Download a 30-day evaluation from
- J2EE Deployment
- In addition to providing deployment to Web Logic, Web Sphere and Sun Reference implementation, now extending J2EE deployment tool to deploy to Borland Enterprise 4.5 and 5.1 servers.
- Rose J / CM Integration
- Model Integrator Output File (Conflicts Logged)
- Enhancements for IDE Link Support
- Rose can now detect if IDEs are installed on your machine, after Rose is installed.
- JBuilder 8 IDE Link Support now available.
- JDK 1.4 Framework Included
- Updates to CORBA Actions
- CORBA Add-In actions include enhancements, involving attribute types, operation return types. operation parameter types, and operation exception types in Round Trip Engineering.
- Introduction of Limited .NET 7.0 Support for Visual C++ Add-In (this is a preliminary feature)
- Allows users of the Rose Visual C++ Add-In the ability to access projects loaded in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET IDE.
- Supports Visual C++ 6.0 developers who have chosen to "upgrade" to the new Visual C++ 7.0 compiler, but who still need to develop VC6 compatible code.
- Data Model Add-In Enhancements
- Ability to define Name Length in Rose Data Modeler (via Registry settings), to accommodate Database limits.
- Performance Enhancement when opening Table Specifications.
- Performance Enhancement when deleting Tables.
- Oracle 9i Support Added.
- Ability to Quickly and Easily Change the Default Language via Rose Main Window
For more information, go to the Rose release notes on the Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROM.
Rational Rose RealTime Edition
Rational Rose RealTime Edition now includes:
- Support for UML activity diagrams
Users can now create and view activity diagrams within Rose RealTime.
- Improved Rose compatibility
Rose model import has been improved to include support for importing C++ code associated with Classic C++ Rose models. All Rose model artifacts, including sequence and activity diagrams, are preserved and displayed in Rose RealTime. Because of differences in the diagram formatting between the two tools, some diagrams may look different in Rose RealTime than in Rose, but the information is preserved. You can use Rose RealTime to import models from Rose v2002 and later without having to convert to Rose98 format.
- User interface enhancements
The find engine has been improved to provide easier access and find more things in more places. Copy paste on state diagrams and sequence diagrams has been improved. Support for user defined stereotypes has been improved and additional stereotypes have been added. Many enhancements to the user interface help streamline workflows and improve navigation.
- Updated target and IDE support
Support for various target platforms and IDEs has been added or updated, including: Wind River Tornado 2.2, as well as bare C and C++ environments without an operating system. The source debugging integration now works independent of UML debugging and supports operation breakpoints.
- Enhanced configuration management integration and faster model loading
New background synchronization, faster model loading and toolset shutdown improves support for large-scale development. The model integrator now works with ClearCase to support merging of code and text in UML models.
- Improved code generation
Rose RealTime code generation has been extended to support a wider range of target applications. Rose RealTime now supports template code generation from C++ Parameterized classes, state-machine code generation for C and C++ classes, generation of stand-alone C and C++ libraries, and generation of stand-alone non-capsule based executables, support for C++ exception declarations, and support for multi-line initial data and header/implementation preface/ending specifications for C and C++ attributes.
- Updated platform support
Rose RealTime added support for running on Sun Solaris 9.
- Improved installation
Installation has been simplified. The companion products are now installed together with Rose RealTime.
Rational SoDA for Word
Rational SoDA for Word now includes these features:
- Ability to report on MS Project 2002 and, when available, Rational XDE (version 2003.06.00, excluding Rational XDE Tester).
- Help on Domains; the domain information has been removed from the SoDA Help system. Each domain is documented in its own PDF file. Each domain PDF file is available from the SoDA menu by clicking SoDA > Help on Domains and then clicking the specific domain.
- The new Refresh Command on the SoDA menu reloads dynamic schema changes made to a point product since you opened SoDA.
Rational Suite
You can access the Rational Suite Tutorial by clicking Start > Programs > Rational Software > Download Rational Suite Tutorial, or by going directly to
Rational SiteCheck, Rational TeamTest, and Rational TestFactory
See the Rational Testing Product Release Notes.
Rational TestManager
Rational TestManager now includes these features:
Test Datastore Doctor
This is a wizard-based user interface front-end to our current datastore utilities. Start this wizard from the Rational Administrator.
- Updated Features include:
- The first 64 characters of the description of a Manual Step or VP are now written to the Log when a ManualTest is run.
- Result Details - The Comments column in the ManualTest Execution Grid was renamed to Result Details.
- New Features include:
- Expected Results - Allows users to associate a text description of a file to better describe the expected results of a Step or VP.
- Result Details File -This new feature, similar to the Expected Results File, allows the user to associate a file with a Step or VP result.
- Step By Step Execution Mode - This new feature lets users run a Manual Script in a modeless dialog box outside of the ManualTest application window. This means that the ManualTest application can be minimized so it does not interfere with the application under test.
- Undo and Redo are now supported in the ManualTest Grid Editor, the ManualTest Text Editor, and the ManualTest Execution window.
- Find and Replace functionality are now supported in the ManualTest Text Editor and ManualTest Grid Editor.
- Script Export - ManualTest scripts can now be exported to a text file.
- Test Case Design Export - Test case designs and configured test case designs can now be exported to a text file.
Multiselect Deletion of Log Assets
Users can concurrently select and delete multiple Test Logs from the Results view of the Test Asset Workspace. (Assets covered by this functionality include Builds, Test Log Folders, and Test Logs.)
Databases and SQLAnywhere Upgrade
- For those who choose to run Rational TestManager on a Sybase database, SQL Anywhere has been upgraded to version 8 for this release. In addition to the SQL Anywhere upgrade, the tools, such as Sybase Central, have also been upgraded.
- A new feature directs users to use an SQLAnywhere database instead of a Microsoft Access database as their primary database. The screens present this option and guide users through the SQLAnywhere install instead of providing this feature as a secondary advanced option.
Rational PurifyPlus Family
The products in Rational PurifyPlus are: Rational Purify, Rational Quantify, and Rational PureCoverage. Highlights of the current release include:
- Integration with the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Shell.
- Improved integration with Visual Studio .NET.
- Expanded PureCoverage merge facility, which includes command-line support and finer grain control from the user interface.
- Support for Windows 2000, SP3.
Full support and integration of PurifyPlus in Visual Studio .NET
Rational PurifyPlus, Rational Purify, Rational Quantify and Rational PureCoverage now all have support for managed code (including VB.NET and C#) and unmanaged code (Visual C/C++ and VB). PurifyPlus is seamlessly integrated in the Visual Studio .NET IDE allowing users to collect runtime data and analyze memory usage, profile performance, and monitor code coverage from Visual Studio .NET. With PurifyPlus you get the best in runtime error detection and memory profiling, the most powerful tool for identifying and analyzing performance bottlenecks, and automatic identification of all untested code for Microsoft .NET and Visual Studio applications.
Selective instrumentation for native applications
PurifyPlus now supports Selective Instrumentation for Java and .NET managed code. This powerful new facility allows users to easily select the classes they wish to instrument. By default, all classes are instrumented with the exception of a set of domain specific classes that are typically not of interest. It is also possible to explicitly select a set of classes to instrument and exclude everything else.
PurifyPlus now supports Sun's SDK 1.4
The enhanced Java support new in PurifyPlus gives developers support for the very latest Standard Development Kit (SDK) from Sun.
ASP.NET Profiling Agent technology preview
ASP.NET Profiler is a technology preview module that lets users analyze .NET Web services without tedious work-arounds of setting up environmental variables and rebooting the machine. After starting the Agent, users right-click the icon in the system tray and select one of the suggested options: Purify, Quantify, PureCoverage or None. The first three options attach the PurifyPlus tool to the running ASP.NET process and start collecting memory profiling data, performance profiling data, or code coverage.
Rational Purify
Rational Purify now includes support for class filtering in both Java and .NET managed applications. You can now open the Class Instrumentation dialog box to include or exclude classes during data collection and classes to exclude and precisely control data collection.
Rational Purify now supports:
- VC7 compiler for applications built with unmanaged code.
- Memory profiling for .NET applications built with managed code.
- Running Rational Purify without administrative privileges.
Sun JDK1.3.1 includes support for the Hotspot version of the Virtual Machine.
The problem that prevented Purify from running inside the Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 IDE after certain Windows 2000 upgrades (including SP3) has been resolved.
Rational Quantify
Rational Quantify now includes support for class filtering in both Java and .NET managed applications. You can now open the Class Instrumentation dialog box to include or exclude classes during data collection and classes to exclude and precisely control data collection.
Rational Quantify now supports:
- Running Rational Quantify without administrative privileges.
- VC7 compiler for applications built with unmanaged code.
Sun JDK1.3.1 includes support for the Hotspot version of the Virtual Machine.
The problem that prevented Quantify from running inside the Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 IDE after certain Windows 2000 upgrades (including SP3) has been resolved.
Rational PureCoverage
The code coverage merge facility has been enhanced to allow finer control over the displayed merge results. If the ActiveMerge checkbox in the Preferences dialog box is selected, Auto Merge datasets in the PureCoverage Navigator include a Layer subentry for each run that contributes to the merge. Users can then select and deselect these layers in any combination to easily determine how much each of the associated runs contributed to the merge results. In the annotated source window for merged runs, if a line is selected, the check box for each merge layer is color coded to reflect whether the associated test included the given line. When viewing the function list, if a function is selected, the checkboxes for each merge layer will be colored to indicate whether the associated test included the given function.
Command-line support for merging has been added. A user can merge multiple coverage data files using either of the following command lines:
coverage /MergeFileList=<filename1; filename2; filename3> /SaveMergeData=<merge-filename> /IncludeContribData=TRUE (default is FALSE)
In this case, the file list is directly supplied on the command-line by means of the /MergeFileList option. The files specified in filename2, filename3 etc. are merged into filename1 and the results are stored in the merge-filename specified in the /SaveMergeData option. To save the data as text /SaveMergeTextData may be used instead of /SaveMergeData.
coverage /MergeMaster=<filename> /SaveMergeData=<merge-filename> /IncludeContribData=TRUE (default is FALSE)
In this case, the user specifies the merge files using a merge master file. The merge master file defines the merge contributors and has a simple format with one file per line separated by a carriage return/line feed pair. To save data as text /SaveMergeTextData may be used instead of /SaveMergeData. In both cases, if no merge-filename is specified, the default name used for the generated merge file is PUTName_UserMerge.cfy or PUTName_UserMerge.txt, depending on whether a binary or text file is requested. Also, the resulting merge could have either the details of all the contributing datasets stored in it or just the merge results. If the /IncludeContribData option is set, details regarding individual contributions to the merge are saved, enabling subsequent use of ActiveMerge within the user interface. If the option is not set (which is the default), details regarding individual contributions are not saved and the resulting file data will appear to come from a single run.
Rational PureCoverage now includes support for class filtering in both Java and .NET managed applications. You can now open the Class Instrumentation dialog box to include or exclude classes during data collection and classes to exclude and precisely control data collection.
Rational PureCoverage now supports:
- Running Rational PureCoverage without administrator privileges.
- VC7 compiler for applications built with unmanaged code.
Sun JDK1.3.1 includes support for the Hotspot version of the Virtual Machine.
The problem that prevented PureCoverage from running inside the Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 IDE after certain Windows 2000 upgrades (including SP3) has been resolved.
Rational Unified Process
The Rational Unified Process now includes:
- MyRUP lets users personalize their views of the RUP by:
- Highlighting important elements by moving them to the top of the tree control.
- Adding links to artifacts and Web sites containing useful information.
- Removing elements to reduce clutter.
- Significant RUP Builder enhancements including:
- Multiple useful out-of-the-box configurations including Small projects.
- Pre-populated, editable Role-based process views including Developer views.
- Ability to easily include external process material as a part of the RUP configuration.
- More precise process selection so that project needs are met more easily.
- Informal artifact resources and guidance
- Improved integration with Rational tools
- Improved search engine
- Improved look and feel
- Updated business modeling content including:
- Updated data modeling content including:
- Data modeling in the conceptual through physical models.
- More guidelines and concepts.
- Tool support for data modeling in Rose and XDE.
- Many more RUP plug-ins available through the Rational Developer Network contain substantial process enhancements, including Extreme Programming (XP).
- Significant Rational Process Workbench enhancements, including:
Product Documentation
Additional product documentation is available in the following locations:
- All manuals are available online, either in HTML or PDF format at:
- The manuals are also available, in PDF format, on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM.
Installation Guides
The Installation Guides for most point products have been eliminated in favor of combining the information into two guides:
Accessing Online Documentation with Adobe Acrobat
Acrobat Reader 5.05 is supported for English and Japanese versions of this release.
As of Rational Suite v. 2003.06.00, the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM no longer includes a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To view and print PDF versions of Rational Software online documentation, you need Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or later, which you can download directly from the Adobe Web site at
The English version of Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM supports full-text searches of Adobe Acrobat PDF files. To use this feature, you need an English version of Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or later, including the option for searching Adobe PDF files. You can download this directly from the Adobe Web site at To get started with this feature, see using_search.pdf on the English version of Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM.
Hardware and Software Information
The following sections outline the supported platforms and installation requirements for this version of Rational Suite on client and server systems. The release notes for each product list additional, product-specific requirements.
Client Requirements
Table 1 Desktop Requirements and Recommendations Item
Requirements and Recommendations
Operating Systems
PurifyPlus supports additional operating systems. See the PurifyPlus Family Release Notes in the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD for more information.
Robot and TestManager also support:
Windows 98, 98SE, and ME. However, the TestManager installation does not include the Rational Administrator if TestManager is installed on Windows 98, 98SE, or ME.
The production release of Windows 2003 Server was not available for final testing at the time this document was finalized. Please visit our web site to obtain the latest information on Windows 2003 support.
Remote Access Support
See the Server Requirements and Recommendations table in the Installation Guide for Rational Server Products or the Rational Suite Release Notes.
Rational Suite
Disk Space
- Rational Suite Enterprise - 1.6 GB (full), 1.2 GB (typical)
- Rational AnalystStudio - 1.2 GB (full), 851 MB (typical)
- Rational DevelopmentStudio - 1.4 GB (full), 1.1 GB (typical)
- Rational DevelopmentStudio for UNIX (Windows components only) - 515 MB (full), 445 MB (typical)
- Rational DevelopmentStudio - RealTime Edition - 1.4 GB (full),
1.1 GB (typical)- Rational DevelopmentStudio - RealTime Edition for UNIX (Windows components only) - 515 MB (full), 445 MB (typical)
- Rational TestStudio - 1.4 GB (full), 1.1 GB (typical)
- Rational TeamTest - 645 MB (full), 583 MB (typical)
- Rational Team Unifying Platform - 1.1 GB (full), 825 MB (typical)
Point Product
Disk Space
ClearCase LT client file storage space:
Rational ClearCase LT needs enough disk space on the desktop to contain all files loaded into snapshot views and all view-private files added to the views. The amount of space required depends on the number and sizes of the files in the views.
- ClearQuest native client: 371 MB (full), 321 MB (typical)
- ClearQuest Web client: 50 MB (browser + JRE)
- PurifyPlus for Windows: 70 MB (full), 68 MB (typical)
- QualityArchitect: 250 MB
- Rational Test Agent: 425 MB (We recommend more disk space for large virtual tester runs.)
- Rational Unified Process: 195 MB (full/typical)
- Rational Unified Process Modeler: 50 MB
- Rational Unified Process Organizer: 2-4 GB
- RequisitePro: 192 MB (full), 176 MB (typical)
- Robot: 282 MB (full/typical)
- Rose Enterprise Edition: 456 MB (full/typical)
- SoDA: 150 MB (Microsoft Word), 100 MB (FrameMaker)
- TestManager: 379 MB (full/typical)
- XDE: 500 MB (minimum) for installation drive, 100 MB for workspace, 2-5 GB recommended for workspace
Integrations with 3rd Party Applications
ClearCase LT
ProjectConsole Template Builder
Integrations with 3rd Party Applications
(Purify PurifyPlus PureCoverage Quantify
For the latest support information, see the PurifyPlus Family Release Notes in the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.
Microsoft JVM Build 3809
Robot and TestManager
IDEs, Integrations with 3rd Party Development Applications, Add-Ins, and Hosted Development Systems
ClearCase LT
- Forte for C++ 6.x, Update 1
- Forte for Java 2.0, 3.0
- IBM VisualAge for Java 3.5.3, 4.0
- IBM WebSphere Application Developer 5.0
- IBM WebSphere Application Developer Integration Edition 5.0
- IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer 5.0
- IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer 5.0
- JBuilder 4.x - 8.x
- Microsoft PowerBuilder 6.x - 9.x
- Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Service Pack 4, 5
- Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0, 6.0, Service Pack 4, 5
- Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0
- Microsoft Visual J++ 6.0, Service Pack 4, 5
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.0, Service Pack 1 (with .NET Framework Service Pack 2); Studio .NET 7.1
- Oracle JDeveloper 9.0
- SunOne for Java 4.0
- WebGain Studio 4.5.2
- WebGain Visual Cafe 4.1 Expert Edition, 4.5.2 or higher Expert and Enterprise Editions
IDEs, Integrations with 3rd Party Development Applications, Add-Ins, and Hosted Development Systems
Rose Add-Ins that use a Web browser (for example, Web Publisher) support most common browsers.
- Rose Visual Basic: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (Visual Studio 6.0)
- Rose Visual C++: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (Visual Studio 6.0 )
- Rose J: JDK 1.1.6
Rose J supports the following Java IDEs. Use the JDK appropriate to your IDE.
- VisualCafe in Studio 4.0, 4.1 Standard, Professional, Enterprise, and Expert Editions
- IBM VisualAge for Java 3.5, 3.5.3, 4.0 Professional and Enterprise Editions
- Forte for Java Community Edition 3.0 and 4.0
- Forte for Java Enterprise Edition 3.0 and 4.0
- Sun One Studio 3 and 4 Community and Enterprise Edition
- JBuilder 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 Enterprise, Professional and Foundation Editions
Rose Data Modeler
Rose Data Modeler can produce data models for the following databases:
To reverse engineer Oracle and DB2 databases using Rose Data Modeler, an RDMS client must be installed.
- IBM DB2 Universal Database + Client 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x
- IBM DB2 OS390 + Client 5.x, 6.x
- Microsoft SQL Server 6.x, 7.x
- Oracle server + Client 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x
- Sybase SQL Anywhere 8.0.1 is available on the Rational Solutions for Windows installation disc. It is configured to work only with Rational products. Select SQL Anywhere from the Product Selection list in the Rational Setup Wizard.
- Sybase System 12
- SQL Server 2000
Note: Rose Data Modeler also supports Oracle on Solaris 2.6, 7-9 and HP-UX 11.0 QPK1100, 11.11 GoldQPK11i and Bundle11i.
Make sure that the database server meets these minimum requirements:
Rose RealTime
For the latest support information, see the Release Notes for Rose RealTime in the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.
For the latest support information, see the printed Release Notes for XDE Developer and XDE Modeler in your XDE media kit.
XDE Tester
For the latest support information, see the printed Release Notes for XDE Tester in you XDE Tester media kit.
Rational Test Agent Software
In addition to the three listed as supported by all desktop products, you can install Test Agents on the following operating systems:
Note: If you use Windows XP Professional, ensure that Service Pack 1 is installed.
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Service Pack 2, 3
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Service Pack 2, 3
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server, Service Pack 6a + SRP (Security Rollup Package, Q299444)
- Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
- Windows 98 2nd edition
Web Browsers on Windows
- ClearCase Web and ClearQuest Web support Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator 7.0 on Windows 98 2nd Edition, Windows ME, and Windows XP Home.
- ClearCase Web and ManualTest Web do not support Netscape Navigator 4.7x.
- ProjectConsole does not support Netscape Navigator 4.72 - 4.78
- RequsiteWeb also supports Netscape Navigator 4.70, 4.71
- RUP Modeler and RUP Organizer support Netscape Navigator versions 6.2.1 and 6.2.3.
- Some Rational products (including some Rose Add-In's) may require certain Microsoft Internet Explorer components. Rose is tested with one of the recommended versions of Internet Explorer. Attempting to install and run Rose without Internet Explorer installed may cause unpredictable results. However, you are not required to use Internet Explorer as your browser.
Web Clients on Non-Windows Platforms
ClearCase Web
ClearQuest Web
ManualTest Web
RequisiteWeb and Rational Unified Process
Rose Web Publisher
XDE Web Publisher
Automated License Key Requests
Internet Connection to request and receive license key files. For more information, see the Rational Software License Management Guide.
Dual Boot Systems
Rational Suite and Rational Rose do not support dual boot systems where both operating systems are on the same partition.
Rational Documentation
Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or higher to read online PDF files. Download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader from
Language Support
You can install Rational products on these international operating systems:
All displays, menus, controls, wizards, reports, and user documentation in Rational Suite v.2003.06.00 are in U.S. English.
- If you have a Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Hebrew, or Korean operating system, enter data (such as path names) in U.S. English or the ASCII character set.
- If you have a Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, or Swedish operating system, enter data in U.S. English or the native language character set. Regional date, time, currency, and numbering conventions are also supported for both input and output.
Server Requirements
Table 2 Server Requirements and Recommendations Item
Requirements and Recommendations
Operating Systems
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 1
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Service Pack 2, 3
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Service Pack 2, 3
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Service Pack 2, 3
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server, Service Pack 6a + SRP (Security Rollup Package, Q299444)
- Microsoft Windows NT Workstation, Service Pack 6a + SRP (Security Rollup Package, Q299444)
- The production release of Windows 2003 Server was not available for final testing for most products at the time this document was finalized. Please visit our web site to obtain the latest information on Windows 2003 Server support.
- ClearCase LT server supports Windows 2003 Server.
- See the Database section of this table for supported UNIX platforms that Windows clients can access.
- 500-600 MHz or higher
- 256-512+ MB RAM ;
More memory generally improves performance; required memory depends on the number of concurrent users, amount of data being requested, and the size of the database- 2 x physical memory is the recommended swap space
- 250 MB or higher disk space for a Rational point product
ClearCase LT Server File Storage Space Requirements
- Rational ClearCase LT needs enough disk space on the server to contain the files and databases under source control. The amount of space required depends on the characteristics and use of the VOBs and views.
- In addition to the free disk space required to load the Rational ClearCase LT server, the server needs 0.5 to 1.0 MB for each user who will access the ClearCase Web interface through the ClearCase LT server.
Rational Suite
Disk Space
Note: If Rational ProjectConsole is include in your Rational Suite, it requires 1+ GB for its repository.
- Rational Suite Enterprise - 1.6 GB (full), 1.2 GB (typical),
1.9 GB (Enterprise Deployment)- Rational AnalystStudio - 1.2 GB (full), 851 MB (typical)
- Rational DevelopmentStudio - 1.4 GB (full), 1.1 GB (typical)
- Rational DevelopmentStudio for UNIX (Windows components only) - 515 MB (full), 445 MB (typical)
- Rational DevelopmentStudio - RealTime Edition - 1.4 GB (full),
1.1 GB (typical)- Rational DevelopmentStudio - RealTime Edition for UNIX (Windows components only) - 515 MB (full), 445 MB (typical)
- Rational TestStudio - 1.4 GB (full), 1.1 GB (typical)
- Rational TeamTest - 645 MB (full), 583 MB (typical)
- Rational Team Unifying Platform - 1.1 GB (full), 825 MB (typical)
Point Product
Disk Space
- ClearCase LT Server: 264 MB (full)
- ClearQuest Multisite Administrator: 250 MB
- ClearQuest Web Server: 250 MB
- Rational Shipping Server: 250 MB
- Terminal Server (ClearQuest): 250 MB
- PurifyPlus for Windows: 70 MB (full), 68 MB (typical)
- QualityArchitect: 250 MB
- Rational Unified Process: 195 MB (full/typical)
- RUP Modeler: 50 MB
- RUP Organizer: 2-4 GB
- RequisitePro: 192 MB (full), 176 MB (typical)
- Robot: 282 MB (full/typical)
- Rose Enterprise Edition: 456 MB (full/typical)
- SoDA: 150 MB (Microsoft Word), 100 MB (FrameMaker)
- TestManager: 379 MB (full/typical)
ClearQuest Databases
Note: ClearQuest also supports Oracle on Solaris 2.6, 7-9 and HP-UX 11.0 QPK1100, 11.11 GoldQPK11i and Bundle11i.
- IBM DB2 Universal Database 7.2 with Fix Pack 8, 8.1
- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, Service Pack 4; SQL Server 2000, Service Pack 2, 3
- Oracle server + Client 8.1.6, 8.1.7
- Sybase SQL Anywhere 8.0.1 is available on the Rational Solutions for Windows installation disc. It is configured to work only with Rational products. Select SQL Anywhere from the Product Selection list in the Rational Setup Wizard.
- Microsoft Access 2000, 2002 Service Pack 1, 2 (You cannot use Access from the ClearQuest Web client.)
RequisitePro Enterprise Database
Note: RequisitePro also supports Oracle on Solaris 2.6, 7-9 and HP-UX 11.0 QPK1100, 11.11 GoldQPK11i and Bundle11i.
- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, Service Pack 4; SQL Server 2000, Service Pack 2, 3
- Oracle server + client 8.1.7, 9, Service Pack R2
Rational TestManager Database
Collection Agent
If you install the agent software on additional computers, agents require the same version of ProjectConsole software as the server.
Additional Collection Support:
Web Server
Template Builder
Microsoft Word 2000 Service Pack 1; Word 2002
(required to create ProjectConsole Template Builder templates)
Repository (supports the same vendor databases as ClearQuest)
Note: ProjectConsole also supports Oracle on Solaris 2.6, 7-9 and HP-UX 11.0 QPK1100, 11.11 GoldQPK11i and Bundle11i.
- IBM DB2 Universal Database 7.1, 7.2 (Fix Pack 8), 8.1
- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, Service Pack 4; SQL Server 2000, Service Pack 2, 3
- Oracle server + Client 8.0.5, 8.1.6, 8.1.7
- Sybase SQL Anywhere 8.0.1 is available on the Rational Solutions for Windows installation disc. It is configured to work only with Rational products. Select SQL Anywhere from the Product Selection list in the Rational Setup Wizard. It is not installed by default with the product.
- Microsoft Access 2000, 2002 Service Pack 1, 2.
Hosted Development Systems (remote sessions)
Rational ClearCase, Rational ClearCase LT, Rational ClearQuest, Rational RequisitePro, Rational Robot, Rational Rose, and Rational SoDA support hosted development on these platforms:
- Citrix MetaFrame 1.8, Service Pack 2
- Citrix MetaFrame XP Application Server
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Terminal Server, Service Pack 2, 3
You must use floating licenses for these products. Node-locked licenses are not supported.
- Rational ClearQuest supports Citrix MetaFrame and Citrix XP on all supported Windows server operating systems.
- Rational ClearCase and ClearCase LT do not support remote sessions on Citrix XP and MetaFrame.
Web Servers
ClearCase Web, ProjectConsole Server, RequisiteWeb use the Rational Web Platform. The Rational Web Platform runs on the server operating systems listed at the beginning of this table.
For ClearQuest Web:
For Rational ManualTest Web Execution:
We recommend that you use Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, or Windows NT 4.0 Server as the Web server platform. You cannot use a shared or networked project on Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT 4.0 Workstation.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later on the Web server
- Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 (IIS 5.0) on Windows XP and Windows 2000
- Microsoft Personal Web Server (PWS) from the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack (available from Microsoft, on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
- Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) from the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack (available from Microsoft, on Windows NT 4.0 Server
Automated License Key Requests
Internet connection to request and receive license key files. For more information, see the Rational Software License Management Guide.
Dual Boot Systems
Rational Suite does not support dual boot systems where both operating systems are on the same partition.
Rational Documentation
Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or higher to read online PDF files. Download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader from
Language Support
You can install Rational Suite on these international operating systems:
All displays, menus, controls, wizards, reports, and user documentation are in U.S. English.
- If you have a Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Hebrew, or Korean operating system, enter data (such as path names) in U.S. English or the ASCII character set.
- If you have a Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, or Swedish operating system, enter data in U.S. English or the native language character set. Regional date, time, currency, and numbering conventions are also supported for both input and output.
Installation, Upgrading, and Licensing
Installation Information
Caution - Before You Install
The Rational Setup Wizard requires that you manually remove earlier versions of Rational products (including Rational licenses) from your system. The Rational Setup Wizard will warn of this and exit before installing this version of Rational Suite.
Before you try to upgrade your Rational products, you or your system administrator must see the Rational Suite Upgrade Guide on the Rational Solutions for Windows Documentation CD-ROM.
Installation Warnings and Blocks
Refer to the Installation Guide for Rational Desktop Products for details on all warnings and blocking messages given during v. 2003.06.00 product installation.
Network or Minimal Installations
Large-scale installations are supported through the use of release areas in v. 2003.06.00. Network or Minimal installation models are no longer available in v. 2003.06.00.
Uninstalling Rational Suite and Network Installations
To uninstall Rational Suite from a client that used the Network or Minimal installation model, the original network location needs to be available during the uninstall process.
Large-Scale Deployments with Release Areas
The Rational installation tool now supports enterprise-level deployments through the use of release areas. The installation model, known as Network or Minimal installations, are no longer available. Refer to the Installation Guide for Rational Server Products for details on enterprise-level deployments.
Using the Site Preparation Tool to Pre-Configure Rational Suite
Before you install Rational Suite, use Rational Site Preparation Tool to pre-configure product settings specific to your environment. Refer to the Installation Guide for Rational Server Products.
Repairing and Modifying Installations
Use the Windows installation repair or modify feature on v. 2003.06.00 products. This feature is accessible through the "Add/Remove" applet in the Windows Control Panel or through the Rational Installed Product Information applet.
Before performing a "Modify" or "Repair" install of any product, users should save the install log to a different location or rename it.
Using the Post-Install Command
You must include the full path name of the post-install executable you wish to launch from the .dat file.
ClearCase LT Server Installation
The ClearCase LT Getting Started Wizard will automatically run at the end of a ClearCase LT Server installation.
Setting Up a Silent Install
If you have earlier versions of Rational products installed on your system, you will see a warning page during installation. If you are setting up a silent installation, pay attention to this message and take steps to ensure that users upgrade all Rational products. Users who install silently do not see this warning message. The message is saved to a file called rational_install.log in the user's Temp folder, but the user may not remember to look at the log file after completing the installation.
Microsoft Windows Installer Service
The Rational Installer will install the Microsoft Windows Installer Service if the version on the target host is earlier than v. 2.0, or if the Microsoft Windows Installer Service does not exist.
Accessing Microsoft Office Products After Unsuccessful Rational Product Installation
If you cancel installation or installation fails, Microsoft Office products may not start. If this occurs, restart your computer to resolve the problem.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
When installing or downloading a JRE, do not select it as the default JRE for your Web browser.
MDAC Installation
Rational Suite installation automatically installs MDAC 2.7 on your system because MDAC is required for all Rational products that use a database.
Included Files from LEAD Technologies, Inc.
The following files from LEAD Technologies, Inc., are included in this release:
For information about upgrading Rational Suite Products, see the Rational Suite Upgrade Guide on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM, or go to and select a product.
Note: If you are upgrading from a release that is earlier than Rational Suite version 2002.05.20, review the upgrade information from previous releases at:
Caution - Before You Upgrade
The Rational Setup Wizard requires that you manually remove earlier versions of Rational products (including Rational licenses) from your system. The Rational Setup Wizard will warn of this and exit before installing this version of Rational Suite.
Before you try to upgrade your Rational products, you or your system administrator must see the Rational Suite Upgrade Guide on the Rational Solutions for Windows Documentation CD-ROM.
Applying Service Releases
Here are the basic steps for obtaining a Rational service release:
- Install the Rational Download Manager client software on your computer.
There are two sources from which you can download the Rational Download Manager installer.
- From the Rational Solutions for Windows Disc 2. Locate the Rational Download Manager setup.exe and Readme.html in the Rational Extras folder. The Readme.html contains the installation procedure.
- From the Rational Download Center at You must either login or register as a member before you can download the software.
You can either save the file to a local drive on your computer or install Rational Download Manager directly from the Rational Download Center by clicking Open in the File Download dialog box.
- Use your browser to go to: for service release documentation. The documentation provides service release features, restrictions, and instructions.
- Use the Rational Download Manager to download the service release mechanism from this Web site.
- Install the Rational service release.
Changing Installation Directory During Upgrades
The Rational Installation Tool allows you to change the installation directory during upgrades to v. 2003.06.00.
Message About Required Internet Explorer (IE) Upgrade (TestManager)
If you are installing Rational Testing products, you may see a message that indicates you must upgrade to IE 5.0 Service Pack 2 before you can install Rational Testing products. This message is incorrect. Testing products support IE versions 5.0 and 4.0. To continue with the installation, click Ignore, and you will not be prevented from installing.
Upgrading from the Previous Release of Rose
If you are upgrading Rose to this release, v. 2003.06.00, from the previous release (v. 2002.05), back up your registry and system directories before you run the Rational Software Setup program. In addition, make system backups of any machines on which you plan to install Rose. Specifically, you should make backups of:
- Model files
Always back up model files, including files ending in .mdl,.cat,.ptl, .red, and .sub.
- Custom property files (.pty or .prp)
There is no need to save .pty files that ship with Rose, because these will be reinstalled.
- Custom script files (.ebs or .ebx)
There is no need to save .ebs or .ebx files that ship with Rose, since these will be reinstalled.
- Path Maps (saved in the registry)
To backup path map variables:
- Run regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\Rose\Virtual Path Map.
- On the Registry menu, click Export Registry File.
To restore path map variables:
- Run regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\Rose\Virtual Path Map.
- On the Registry menu, click Import Registry File and then import the file you exported.
Upgrading from the Previous Release of TestManager
If you are upgrading to this release of TestManager, v. 2003.06.00, from the previous release (v. 2002.05), you must remove the Nutcracker executable and restart your computer before you install the current version.
To remove the Nutcracker executable:
- Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
- Click Add/Remove Programs.
- Select Nutcracker, and then click Remove.
- Click OK.
Before you start to install v. 2003.06.00, restart your computer.
MDAC Upgrade
Upgrading to Rational Suite 2003.06.00 automatically upgrades your existing version of MDAC to version 2.7.
If a license key is required in order to run the Rational product, the installation tool will prompt you to configure licensing after the installation completes.
If you are using floating licenses, make sure that the license server system is running before you start the Rational License Key Administrator on your desktop. Otherwise, if the License Key Administrator is directed to get a license, it will return an error.
Entering Multiple Server Names in Site Preparation Tool
Using the Site Preparation License Server tool, you must enter multiple license servers in "port at host" format using a semicolon as the separator. For example, @license1;27000@license2; 27000@my_server. If no port is specified, (@license1), the default port is used.
Compatibility Issues
This section identifies special considerations for using Rational Suite with other products, including Rational products and third-party software products.
With Rational Products
Rational produces synchronized releases of all its products. If you install multiple Rational products on a single system, or on multiple systems in the same network environment, they must all be at the same version number. This is necessary because of the tight integration between products.
For more detailed information about compatibility issues among Rational products, go to the release notes for the specific Rational products of interest to you.
Selecting an IDE During Product Installation
If you are installing Rational XDE, Rational PurifyPlus, or a Suite product containing Rational PurifyPlus, the Rational installation tool will prompt you to select the IDE in which you want the product to run. The selectable list of IDEs is dependent on your system's IDE.
Rational E-Mail Reader (mailreader.exe)
Because of an install directory change after Rational E-Mail Reader version 2002.05.20, if you install RequisitePro as a point product, the complete Rational E-Mail Reader files are not installed. If you attempt to open mailreader.exe, an error message states that expected .dll files are not present. In order to resolve this issue, install Rational ClearQuest 2003.06.00 on your system. Rational ClearQuest 2003.06.00 may be installed separately or as part of a Rational Suite product. No license is required for ClearQuest. (RATLC00694844).
Rational XDE
Rational XDE 1.0 is not compatible with Rational Suite 2002.05.20. Rational XDE 1.1 is supported. For more information about Rational XDE, go to the Rational Support Web site,
Working With RequisitePro and XDE
You can integrate your RequisitePro projects with an XDE model.
To take advantage of the integration, you use XDE to convert the RequisitePro project into XDE format. The Rational Administrator continues to display the older version of the RequisitePro project, just as it was displayed before the conversion. The Rational Administrator does not display the converted version of the RequisitePro project.
For more information on this topic, see the migration information in the XDE online Help as well as compatibility information in the XDE Release Notes.
Migrating from Rational Rose to XDE
You can use Rational XDE to migrate your Rose model (.mdl file) to an XDE model (.mdx file). However, keep in mind that the Rational Administrator offers no support for XDE models.
After migrating your Rose model from Rose to XDE, the Rational Administrator will continue to display the Rose model (.mdl) in the state in which it was migrated to XDE. The Rational Administrator does not display the newly migrated XDE model (.mdx).
Caution: Even though you can modify the Rose model (.mdl file) after migration to XDE, this is strongly discouraged because the .mdl and .mdx models are not synchronized. After you migrate your Rose model to XDE, use XDE to manage the model and the XDE integrations to other Rational products.
Rational Purify, Quantify, PureCoverage, and XDE
Current versions (v. 2003.06.00) of Rational Purify, Rational Quantify, and Rational PureCoverage are not compatible with XDE version 1.0 or XDE version 1.1. If either version of XDE is installed on your system, do not install the Purify integration with Visual Studio .NET.
Installing Rational Suite Enterprise with Rational Test RealTime
If you have installed an earlier version of Rational Test RealTime on the same system with Rational Suite, upgrade Rational Test RealTime to version 2002.05. Earlier versions of Rational Test RealTime will fail after installation of Rational Suite version 2002.05. Upgrades are free to all Rational customers with a current maintenance contract. Please contact your Rational sales representative for additional information.
Performance Issues and Source Control Operations for Medium to Large Projects
When you add test and requirements assets to source control or perform a checkin-all operation, system performance can be very slow for medium to large requirements and test projects.
Rational Suite 2002 lets you place requirements and test assets under version control in a Rational ClearCase VOB. This support uses two operations from the Rational Administrator: Add to CM and Checkin All. Add to CM adds the assets to source control and Checkin All captures a snapshot of the assets. In both cases, if you have a large number of requirements or test assets, these operations may take a long time and could make these features unusable, depending on how often you perform these operations.
The time it takes to perform these operations directly depends on the number of files required to store the requirements and test assets. For requirements assets, the number of required files is independent of the number of saved views, requirement types, and documents. The number of files is not dependent on the number of requirements. For test assets, the number of files needed mostly depends on the number of scripts and the number of verification points in each script being managed.
Use the following information to estimate the time it will take for the Add to CM and Checkin All operations for existing requirements and test projects. Because there is a strong relationship between the performance of these operations and the number of file elements placed under source control, start by determining the number of file elements that will be involved in the operation.
Requirements Assets
To estimate the number of files added to source control or checkpointed for a Rational RequisitePro project by using the following formula:
Number of Files = 10 + 3 * (Number of Documents) + (Number of Saved Views) + (Number of Requirement Types)
Estimated Operation Time in Minutes:
(10 * Number of Files) / 60 seconds
Here is an example:
Number of Documents = 165
Number of Saved Views = 37
Number of Requirement Types = 12
The time required to add a RequisitePro project to source control is proportional to the number of requirement types, documents, and saved views in the project. Adding the above example (554 files) to source control initially took:
- 83 minutes using a Microsoft Access database on a 667 MHz 256 MB RAM server
- 90 minutes using an Oracle or SQL Server on a 333 MHz 128 MB RAM server
Additional Tips for Rational RequisitePro
If you use Rational ClearCase LT to baseline your Rational RequisitePro project, here are some tips to improve performance of the Checkin All operation.
- Always execute the Checkin All from the system on which the snapshot view storage resides. Depending on your network configuration, the snapshot view storage may also be the ClearCase LT server, or a separate file server.
- Try to keep the size of individual RequisitePro project documents below 1 MB.
Test Assets
To estimate the number of files added to source control or checkpointed for a Test project using the following formula:
Number of GUI Script Files = (Number of GUI Scripts) * (2 + OP + (2 * OD))
OP = Average Number of Object Property Verification Points + Average Number of Low Level Scripts + Average Number of Alphanumeric Verification Points
OD = Average Number of Object Data Verification Points
Number of Files = 200 + Number of GUI Script Files + Number of Manual Scripts
Estimated Operation Time in Minutes:
(10 * Number of Files) / 60 seconds
Here is an example:
Number of GUI Scripts = 200
Estimated 3 Object or Alphanumeric verification point and/or low-level scripts
Estimated 1 Data verification point
Number of Manual Scripts = 100
Number of GUI Script Files = 200 * (2 + 3 + (2 * 1)) = 1400
The 10x factor in computing the time is based on an estimated 5 seconds for two ClearCase operations that must be performed on each file in this implementation. You may be able to improve performance of these operations with a high-powered and correctly configured ClearCase server.
ClearQuest Data Code Pages: Character Set Compatibility with ClearQuest
You may see an error message about data code pages if your Rational project is integrated with ClearQuest. The error message appears when you enter data into a tool and the characters you use are incompatible.with the set of characters that a ClearQuest database accepts.
For example, say that you are working in a RequisitePro project that is integrated with a ClearQuest database, and the ClearQuest database accepts characters in English only. If you use English to enter RequisitePro data, the error message does not appear. However, the error message does appear if you use another character set, such as Japanese or Chinese.
If you see this error message, consult with your ClearQuest administrator or systems administrator to resolve the character set incompatibility. For detailed information on code page settings, see the ClearQuest Administrator's Guide.
Using Rational ClearQuest with Rational RequisitePro
- When implementing the integration between ClearQuest and RequisitePro in a ClearQuest MultiSite environment, each user must connect to only one master schema repository using the default (2002.05.00) alias. If the alias is modified to point to another site, the integration will not work properly.
Using Rational ClearCase UCM with Rational RequisitePro
Note: (The default is for the policy not to be set.)
- If you are using full ClearCase, we recommend using dynamic views for faster performance.
- Make sure that you do not set the UCM policy, "Check Assignment Before Work On" if you use Unified Change Management (UCM) with Rational Suite under these conditions:
For more information, see the Rational RequisitePro release notes.
Rational ClearCase UCM and Baseline Issues
- The time required to add a Rational RequisitePro project to source control is proportional to the number of requirement types, documents, and saved views in the project. Subsequent check-in operations will be faster. Performance may be slower on Windows XP operating systems.
- If you are using the full version of Rational ClearCase, we recommend using dynamic views for faster performance.
- If you use Rational ClearQuest to manage UCM activities, and you place a Rational RequisitePro project under configuration control, make sure that you do not set the UCM policy to "Check Assignment Before Work On." (The default is for the policy not to be set.) If you set the policy, you cannot work on an activity unless you own that activity. In the current implementation of UCM for Rational RequisitePro, an entire team of workers share the same activity, so if the policy is set, only one person - not the entire team - can work on a Rational RequisitePro project.
- A project created from a baseline does not maintain the cross-project traceability links, discussions information, and associations with Rational ClearQuest and Rational Rose of the original baselined project.
- After you open a RequisitePro document in a project that was created from a baseline, you are notified the document was modified outside of Rational RequisitePro. You can accept this message and then save the document.
- If you delete a document, the next time you run the Checkin All procedure for a Rational RequisitePro project, you receive an error message. You can ignore this message.
- The integration between UCM and Rational RequisitePro does not work with a full ClearCase client and server that is configured for case sensitivity.
UCM on Windows NT with ClearCase 5.0
A possible problem has been identified in cases in which ClearCase 5.0 is installed on Windows NT 4.0. After you use the Rational Administrator to perform a UCM datastore operation (such as create a datastore, check-in all, add to or remove from source control), shut down and restart the Rational Administrator before performing another such operation.
Rational ClearCase LT with RequisitePro
Creating a baseline of a Rational RequisitePro project with Rational ClearCase LT
To improve performance, consider the recommendations below:
Using Rational Rose with Rational RequisitePro
- If you are creating a requirement from Rational Rose, and you see the message "remote server machine does not exist," you can ignore the message. The requirement is still created. To avoid additional error messages, restart Rose.
Using Rational Rose RealTime with Rational RequisitePro
The integration between Rose RealTime and RequisitePro does not support the association of a Rose RealTime package with a RequisitePro project. Use case and model association is supported.
Using Rational RequisitePro with Rational ClearQuest
To upgrade Rational Suite or the integration between RequisitePro and ClearQuest, see the Rational Suite Upgrade Guide. To configure the integration, see the Rational Suite Administrator's Guide.
The following issues relate to using ClearQuest with RequisitePro:
- When setting up the integration between RequisitePro and ClearQuest, make sure that the command line argument to ASCQISetup.bat file contains 255 or fewer characters.
To ensure you are within this limit, use a shorter project name.- If you change associations in ClearQuest, or delete requirements in RequisitePro, refresh open views in RequisitePro to make sure the Associate Enhancement Requests dialog box displays updated information. Errors will result in ClearQuest if you remove an association to a requirement, then change the Rational Administrator Project reference and add another requirement for the new project in the same session. Instead, delete the requirement and commit the changes before you change the project reference and add a new requirement.
- If you are setting a ClearQuest query in the Query field of the Associate Enhancement Requests dialog box, that query must contain a ClearQuest ID for the integration with Rational RequisitePro to work correctly.
- Using the integration between ClearQuest and RequisitePro after you select multiple ClearQuest records will cause errors. Use this integration with one ClearQuest record at a time.
- To successfully use a given Microsoft Project schedule with both Rational RequisitePro and Rational ClearQuest, do not select Text4, Text5, or Text6 for Assign Custom Fields in the Rational ClearQuest Project Tracker.
With Third-Party Products
Rational Installer Incompatible with Windows "Change Journal" Feature
Rational has determined that under certain circumstances file system corruption can result from installing Rational Version 2003 products on Windows 2000 to an NTFS partition that has the windows "Change Journal" (log) enabled on it. Rational is actively working with Microsoft to better understand and identify a fix for the problem.
Before installing any Rational Version 2003 product onto a computer running Windows 2000, please read Rational Solution 182435434 at for the latest information. Alternatively, you can search the Rational Solutions Knowledge Base at for the text "Change Journal."
Possible DLL Conflict with Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5
If you have installed Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 from Sybase and also from any of these Rational products: Rational ClearQuest, TestFactory, Robot, ProjectConsole, TestManager or TestManager Agent, you may experience a DLL conflict error. We recommend that you upgrade to the most recent Sybase SQL Anywhere database. For more information, contact Rational Customer Support.
PowerBuilder Incompatibility with Microsoft MDAC 2.7
MDAC 2.7 is not supported on systems running Microsoft SQL Server in a clustered environment.
Installing Rational Software in a Windows Terminal Server Environment
You can install and run Rational software on a Windows Terminal Server console system according to the supported platforms.
Note: First, you need to install both MDAC 2.7 and Jet 4.0 Service Pack 6. If you do not install both of these components, you will encounter the following error: "To install this product, you must first install version 2.7 of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers following the sequence described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 216149."
After you install both MDAC 2.7 and Jet 4.0 Service Pack 6 and continue with installation in the Windows Terminal Server environment, you may encounter the following error: "You are attempting to install on an unsupported operating system. We recommend that you install on a supported operating system. See your Rational products release notes for a complete list of supported operating systems and service packs." You can safely disregard this warning and continue with your installation.
To use Rational products on a Terminal Server client, you must configure your console system to use floating licenses.
Conflict Between Some Rational Products and Some Anti-Virus Software
Some virus scanners check each file as software is installed or started. The scanners check all .dll and .ini files as they are being read and loaded. This activity can significantly increase the time it takes for software to load.
Until another solution is found, before you install Rational software, we recommend that you turn off your anti-virus software. After installation, restart your anti-virus software.
Support for Crystal Decisions Crystal Reports
Rational ClearQuest Version 2003.06.00 can support report formats authored with Crystal Reports 8.5 and the ability to run and view those reports. ClearQuest Version 2003.06.00 does not support Crystal Reports V8.0. Any statements in the documentation that it does are incorrect.
ClearQuest Version 2003.06.00 does not include copies of the Crystal Reports files necessary to enable these capabilities. Crystal Reports Professional is required to author reports in ClearQuest on Windows. Crystal Reports run-time libraries are required to run and view reports on Version 2003.06.00 of the ClearQuest for Windows and ClearQuest Web servers.
For instructions about how to license and install the appropriate Crystal Reports 8.5 software and the components necessary to author and run reports in these ClearQuest environments, contact Crystal Decisions directly. Any reference to Crystal Reports in the ClearQuest product documentation applies only to copies of Crystal software that you have rightfully licensed.
You can purchase licenses for Crystal Reports Professional, and obtain more information about licensing the run-time components required to run and view reports on your ClearQuest products from the Crystal Decisions, Inc. Web site, or by contacting them by telephone:
United States and Canada (800) 877-2340 or (604) 681-3435
France +33 (0) 1 5517 4082
Germany +49 (0) 69 9509 6310
Sweden +46 (0) 85 877 1171
United Kingdom +44 (0) 208 566 2330
Australia +61 2 9955 4088
Japan +81 3 5226 3601
Singapore +65 777 0533
Hong Kong +852 2575 2576Running Crystal Reports Version 8.5 with Service Pack 1
Rational ClearQuest supports Crystal Reports Version 8.5. Running reports using ClearQuest Web requires that you also install Crystal Reports Version 8.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1). You cannot run reports using ClearQuest Web without having SP1 installed on your Web server machine.
When using the Windows XP operating system, running reports with Crystal Reports Version 8.5 SP1 on ClearQuest Windows can cause ClearQuest to hang or terminate altogether. You should remove Service Pack 1 for Crystal Reports Version 8.5 if you need to run reports using ClearQuest Windows.
Upgrading XDE Tester, Java and Web Edition
To upgrade XDE Tester, Java and Web Edtion, go to the Upgrades Web site at to download or order media for the XDE Tester, Java and Web Edition.
Restrictions and Guidelines on Using Rational Suite
Using the Windows Site Preparation Wizard to Enable E-Mail Notification
The Installation Guide for Rational Server Products, the Installation Guide for Rational Desktop Products, and the Site Preparation Wizard online help incorrectly state that you can use the Site Preparation Wizard to enable and configure e-mail notification when you install from a release area. You cannot use the Site Preparation Wizard for this purpose. You can, however, use the site_prep script to enable and configure e-mail notification for UNIX release areas as described in the Installation Guide for the Rational ClearQuest Product Family.
Known Issues and Change Requests
Documentation Updates
Manual Versions
The following manuals were not revised for this release; however, their content is still correct.
Manual Titles
Unrevised manuals contain incorrect references to book titles that changed in recent releases.
Japanese Documentation for Rational Suite
Some documentation delivered with the Japanese version of Rational Suite is available only in English.
Defects and Limitations
Table 4 identifies known defects and limitations in this release. In addition, review the release notes for the products included in your Rational Suite edition. See the release note Readme for All Products. You can use this link if you have specified the default installation path; if you have customized that path, this link will not work.
To access the Readme for all Rational Products, click Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational Suite > Readme for all products.
Table 4 Known Defects and Limitations in Rational Suite For information about defects and limitations for a particular Rational product, go to the release notes for that product.
Doc CD
The integrations with ClearQuest, including descriptions of packages, contents, dependencies and prerequisites, the instructions for applying them to a schema, and the runtime requirements of the integrations, are documented in TechNote #22314 on the Rational Support Web site:
Doc CD
There are known issues with autorun feature on a machine running VMWare. As a result, the Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROM and Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM may not start automatically when you insert the CD-ROM.
Rational Suite Tutorial
On page 62 of the Rational Suite Tutorial v. 2003.06.00, for the exercise "Start Rose," you do not need to complete Step 3. In v2003 of Rational Rose, CURDIR=& is already defined. Continue with Step 4.
Users should not install their software to a network location under Windows 9.x. Sometimes the installation needs to reboot in order to install files that have been locked by the OS during installation. The reboot frees these files so that they can be replaced before they become locked again. Installing to a network location causes problems because the network connections are not ready when this replacement happens. As a result, the OS can't replace the files and the old files remain. This will cause problems with the installed image.
If you have difficulty using a Microsoft Access database with products in Rational Suite on a Japanese system, make sure that you have installed the most recent MDAC components for use on a Japanese system.
Your installation of Rational software products may fail unexpectedly if you have virus protection enabled on your system. Virus detection software must be disabled during a server installation.
If you have installed an older version of Rational Test RealTime on the same machine with Rational Suite, please upgrade Test RealTime to version 2002.05. Older versions of Rational Test RealTime will fail after installation of Rational Suite version 2002.05. Upgrades are free to all Rational customers with a current maintenance contract. Please contact your Rational Sales representative for additional information.
Do not use Sybase Central, included with the Sybase SQL Anywhere Database Server installation, to create a SQL Anywhere database. Doing so may cause a crash in SCVIEW.EXE. Instead, follow the instructions provided in the Installation Guide for Rational Server Products for creating a SQL Anywhere Database Server.
Application of Service releases is not supported for Beta software.
We removed some standard MSI Custom functionality, so the "Install when needed" and "Install to run from a network" will not be available in Rational's MSI installer.
Do not use the number displayed in Custom Setup or the Space button on that page of the installation. The calculation of required disk space to install Rational Suite is not correct. For disk space requirements, refer to the Hardware and Software Information.
The installer doesn't warn a user immediately if the selected drive doesn't have enough space.
If you cancel your install, or if your install fails you should restart your machine because your Office products may not run if either occurs.
At the end of an install, users are prompted for both licensing information and to restart their systems.
To complete licensing after the reboot, select Start > Programs > Rational > Rational License Key Administrator
Space required numbers are not correct for RequisitePro custom items.
The Installer doesn't warn the user if the user does not have administrator privileges.
The indicators for minutes and seconds do not display properly when copying new files as part of a typical Rational Suite install.
The installer does not check to see if the destination install directory is a valid Windows directory. If a bad directory name is entered (e.g., one with bad characters), the installation may complete; but the installed product will probably not work correctly.
Release area pathnames should not contain multi-byte characters.
The install logs are not cumulative. Subsequent installations will overwrite existing log files. If you need these logs files, save them to a different location or rename them before attempting additional installations.
Installed Product Information does not reflect uninstalled products. The add remove application does not refresh after uninstalling a product.
There is an extra welcome screen during start up.
No Install.log file gets created when doing a silent install of a product on an unsupported platform.
To perform a silent uninstall of a Rational product, you must run the following command:
msiexec.exe /X <path to product>.msi /qn
Where "<path to product>.msi" is the MSI file from which the original product was installed. On the Rational Solutions CD, that file exists in the "Setup" directory and includes the name of the product (for example "ClearQuest.msi"). The MSI file also exists in the release area, in the "Setup" directory.
Setup calculates available disc space incorrectly when two or more drives are available.
ClearCase Doctor does not run at the start of every install of full ClearCase, whether from Rational Administrator, CD or the simple install mode.
Silent install abort option does not appear for any SitePrep-able products. When creating response files for these products, do not click Install at the final screen. Instead, click Cancel to complete the file.
The following components are left behind after ClearCase is successfully uninstalled:
Some keys remain after an uninstall:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Rational Software\RSSetup\ComponentVersions key with numerous values remains.
When you use the installer to modify features after an initial ClearCase (client or server) installation, the list of modifiable features may contain features that were not actually installed.
SitePrep does not detect an invalid release area path. Users should create the path prior to running SitePrep.
When running silent install to record a response file, if the path does not exist, Setup.exe displays a message stating:
"Invalid Argument; path to output file does not exits."
If the path exists (or the user uses an existing directory or the root) setup.exe will continue as expected.
A user may create the path and then run setup.exe to locate the response file in a directory other than and existing one or the root.
In TeamTest install, additional installation options are listed in the custom screen for Rational Test Samples Setup, but these are not supported.
Silent install record mode does not warn on attempt to write DAT file to read-only location.
SitePrep description field doesn't handle new lines in installer. So if the description field in a sitedefs file contains new line characters, there is no line wrap when that description is displayed by MSI in the installer. Instead, it shows a literal "\n" character.
Some multi-byte characters may not display correctly on some install dialogs. For example, overriding the default installation directory with a path containing multi-byte characters may display symbols or shapes in place of those characters.
When installing Rational Suite Enterprise, there is an error writing meta-file in Enterprise Deploy. The workaround is as follows:
After creating the release area, use the command line to launch setup.exe to install the product locally. The command line syntax is: setup.exe <insert path and file name for desired site defaults file>.
This should allow users to manually specify the DAT file they want to use.
The Rational Site Preparation Tool is not supported on Windows 9X systems.
Before performing a "Modify" install of any product, users should save the install log to a different location.
When creating a release area from the Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROM, you may be required to replace the first CD-ROM after the second CD-ROM is finished copying before completing the release area creation process.
This applies only to installations completed from the Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROM.
On Windows 9X systems having an old version of Windows Installer (MSI), the initial run of Setup will upgrade the MSI service and then prompt the user to reboot. Subsequent runs of Setup will not allow installation to proceed until a reboot is performed.
Users who try to perform silent installs on machines that do not have administrator rights will not receive indication about why the product failed to install. This is due to the InstallShield components that do not install unless they have the correct rights. These components don't log any information.
After creating a release area on the server using the Site Preparation tool, there are circumstances under which a shortcut cannot be created and a warning will be displayed.
RATLC00692507, RATLC00693301
If you try to create a network release area for Rational Suite Enterprise, or install a Suite product, you may encounter errors related to the path length of the files being installed. The maximum root path for the Release Area of an Enterprise Deployment install is 35 characters.
Workaround: Before you install, create a shared directory with a short name, and make sure the length of the UNC specification to this shared directory does not exceed 35 characters.
The install program sometimes fails with the error 1607: Unable to install InstallShield Scripting Runtime.
Consult for information about resolving this problem.
Install reports an error during ClearQuest installation: "Error installing ODBC driver OpenLink Lite for Oracle" followed by the Oracle version number. More than one of these messages may appear during the install.
The cause is the presence of one or more the following registry keys:
These keys may be left over from a previous installation of ClearQuest.
To solve this problem, delete these keys from the registry and run the install again.
You must install Rational Suite from an account that has administrator privileges. If you attempt to install from an account that does not have administrator privileges, you may be prompted with a dialog that suggests you can install regardless of this by entering the userid and password of another account (that does have admin privileges).
Entering alternate account information in this manner does not seem to be effective. If you attempt to install, you may still get fatal errors that are caused by insufficient privileges.
We recommend that you always log in to an account that has administrator privileges.
If you are modifying the installation of any product available from the Rational Setup Wizard, a fatal error occurs when you click the Space button in the Custom Setup page. To prevent the Setup Wizard from failing, do not click the Space button.
When users stop the license server with services dialog on Windows 2000, this results in Dr. Watson error.
Installing the license server to certain double byte paths may prevent Rational products from obtaining a license to run.
Rational Administrator
SQL Anywhere install may set up service with the wrong connection information.
Install sets .\Administrator as logon. This will not work on Win2K/WinNT/WinXP systems. Set logon as the Local System Account in order to properly start service.
Rational Administrator
The Defect Tracking Schema cannot be associated in a Rational Administrator Project. It is also not available in an AnalystStudio installation.
Rational Administrator
Selecting View > Refresh from the Rational Administrator menu may cause a General Program Failure if there are no Test users or groups associated with the Rational project being refreshed. Restart the Administrator if this problem occurs.
After upgrading to Rational Suite v.2003.06.00, the ClearQuest schema repository is lost. You must manually recreate all connections. For more information, see the ClearQuest Release Notes.
Additional Information
Additional product information is available at the Rational Suite Web site:
Contacting Rational Customer Support
If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Customer Support as follows:
Your Location
North America
(800) 433-5444
(toll free)
(408) 863-4000
Cupertino, CA
(781) 676-2460
Lexington, MA
Europe, Middle East, Africa
+31 (0) 20-4546-200
+31 (0) 20-4546-201
Asia Pacific
Note: When you Rational Customer Support, please be prepared to supply the following information:
- Your name, company name, telephone number, and e-mail address
- Your operating system, version number, and any service packs or patches you have applied
- Product name and release number
- Your case ID number (if you are following up on a previously reported problem).
Rational Customer Support for Licensing
To return redundant license keys, contact Rational Customer Support. You cannot return redundant license keys through AccountLink.
If you have questions regarding the licensing of your Rational Software products, contact Rational Licensing Support in your area: You can also find Worldwide Rational Licensing Support contact information in the Rational installation and licensing guides, and in the Help for the License Key Administrator on Windows systems.