Rational Software Corp.


Upgrading from a Previous Release


This appendix is organized as follows:

Upgrading from Rational Rose 3.0 or Later

If you are upgrading from release 3.0 or later of Rational Rose for Windows, your models are converted automatically when you open them. When you save your model, Rational Rose asks you if you want to save your model in the new format.

Upgrading from Releases Prior to Rational Rose 3.0

If you are upgrading from a Rational Rose release prior to 3.0, please contact technical support for assistance.

Understanding Petal File Versions

Petal files and model files are very similar. However, a petal file is a portion of a model file; whereas, a model file is really the complete or entire model. You can create a petal file by saving your model in petal file format through the File > Save As command. Petal files are also created when you export part of a model through the File > Export command.

The following table contains the petal file version numbers for each Rational Rose release. If you save a model as an older version of Rose, some model elements and features will be lost. For example, if you save a Rose 2000 model in a Rose 98i format, your model will not include activity diagrams.

Table 18 Rational Rose Petal File Version  
Rose Version
Petal File Version
Rose Format
Rose 3.0
Petal 37 
3.0 Model
Rose 4.0
 Petal 40
4.0 Model
Rose 98 and Rose 98i 
Petal 42 
 4.5/6.0 Models
Rose 98i Service Pack 1 and Rose 2000
Petal 43
6.1/6.5 Models
Rose 2000e  
Petal 44
7.0 Model

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