API functions for saving data

int quantify_clear_data (void)

Clears all the performance data recorded to this point. You can use this function, for example, to ignore the performance data collected about the start-up phase of your program. This function always returns TRUE.


int quantify_save_data (void)
int quantify_save_data_to_file (char * filename)

Saves all the data recorded since program start or the last call to quantify_clear_data into a data file. You can view the data file by running qv. After saving the data, these functions call quantify_clear_data in order to ensure non-overlapping datasets. Both functions return TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. For more information, read Saving data incrementally.

The function quantify_save_data creates a filename based on the value of the –filename-prefix option. The function quantify_save_data_to_file takes a string that overrides the value of the –filename-prefix option. You can use conversion characters in filenames. The default –filename-prefix is %v.%p.%n, which writes data files based on the application basename, the current process ID, and the current dataset number. Quantify always adds the extension .qv to each dataset file it writes.

%n is incremented each time the dataset is saved.



int quantify_add_annotation (char * annotation)

Adds the given string to the next saved dataset. You can view the annotation strings later, using the qv option -print-annotations. Use this function to record any special data-collection circumstances with a particular qv file. This function returns the length of the string, or FALSE if passed a NULL pointer.