Running qv to view saved data

Run Quantify's data analysis program qv to view a saved binary dataset:

% qv a.out.513.0.qv

Alternatively, you can use the command:

% quantify -view a.out.513.0.qv

You do not need to specify or retain the original executable to view your data. Each dataset file contains all function name and source file information required to display the performance data. In addition, dataset files are highly compressible. This is especially important for large datasets that need to be retained for comparison purposes.

The qv program supports a number of qv command-line options.  

If you specify -write-export-file, -write-summary-file, -add-annotation, or -print-annotations, qv does not start the X Windows display. To start the X Windows display, include -windows=yes on the command line. For example:

% qv -write-summary-file -windows=yes a.out.513.0.qv

To connect to an X Window display, set the environment variable DISPLAY to the display name where windows should be created. The named display must have proper access permissions.

qv also supports standard X Windows options such as -display, -background, and -language. You can specify values for these options by using either the standard X Windows format in which option name and value are specified as separate tokens, or by using the Quantify options format:

% qv -windows=yes -display=ginza:0 \
     -language japanese a.out.513.0.qv