message categories
You can set Purify's just-in-time debugging feature to attach your debugger automatically when an specific category of error occurs. The available categories are:
Fatal: These messages indicate imminent abnormal program termination, unless you have installed error condition handlers. They include COR, IPR, IPW, NPR, NPW, ZPR, and ZPW.
Corrupting: These messages indicate a major program malfunction. They include ABW, BRK, FMM, FMW, FNH, FUM, MRE, and SBW.
Warning: These messages indicate anomalous program behavior. Programs with these errors fail sporadically and often mysteriously. They include ABR, BSR, BSW, FMR, MLK, MSE, PAR, PMR, PLK, SBR, SOF, UMC, and UMR.
The remaining messages are informational messages, providing additional debugging data. They include FIU, MAF, MIU, SIG, WPF, WPM, WPN, WPR, WPW, and WPX.