A COR message indicates that your program has received a signal that is normally fatal, and that does not have user-level signal handlers installed.
This is an example of a core dump due to a bad pointer—either bad pointer arithmetic or pointer corruption (indicated by the preceding IPR).
To turn off COR messages for signals that you handle within your program, use the -handle-signals and -ignore-signals options.
At times,
an application that runs well without Purify can core dump when you use
Purify. This is because Purify tends to magnify the existence of a fatal
problem and as a result core dumps. Although the application doesn't normally
core dump, this type of problem is very likely to core dump in the field,
on a different system, or even sporadically on the current system.
In most cases the core dump is a result of a fatal error detected by Purify,
for example NPR,
The fatal error is usually reported just before the core message. Fixing
this fatal error will fix the core dump.
Non-fatal signals that have a user-defined signal handler are reported not as a COR but as a SIG. This is because the user-defined signal handler may handle the signal and allow program execution to proceed normally, without a core dump or termination of the program.