You can save coverage data from the PureCoverage Viewer in the following ways:
To save the current coverage data in a .pcv data file, select File > Write .pcv file . . .
To save the current coverage data in an ASCII text file in export format for processing by a report script, select File > Write export file . . .
To save the current contents of the Viewer display to an ASCII text file, select File > Save as . . .
You can save coverage data from the Annotated Source window in the following ways:
save the annotations and adjustments displayed in the Annotated Source window, select File > Save.
This rewrites the current source file, including all adjustments you added interactively through the Annotated Source window, and all adjustments
in the ~/.purecov.adjust adjustments file.
Likewise, when you close the Annotated Source window, PureCoverage
asks you whether you want to save the modifications you made. If you select
Save and close window, PureCoverage saves both the modified source file
and the modified ~/.purecov.adjust file.
To save the current Annotated Source window display, including coverage data and line numbers, to an ASCII text file, select File > Save source and annotations as . . . This does not affect either the source file or the ~/.purecov.adjust adjustments file. (The results are the same as using the pc_annotate script.)
To take a read-only snapshot of the current Annotated Source window, select File > Snapshot. (The Annotated Source display changes when you load new coverage information. This feature allows you to compare line-by-line coverage data while you test a file. PureCoverage discards snapshots when you exit the program.)
You can save coverage data at the command line, especially useful in automated testing, using the -counts-file option or the -export option.
You can save coverage data programmatically using the PureCoverage API functions.
To track your code coverage from release to release, archive your saved .pcv files with your product releases.